Division of Product Realisation


The research within Product Realisation is mainly linked to the research group on Product and Production Development. The Product and Production development research group creates knowledge on the renewal and development of products and production systems. The research is based on an integrated development where many stakeholders' and time perspectives are balanced. 

Key themes within the group are:

- Production Systems Development and Industrialization. Processes, information and communication for innovation, development and improvement of flexible production systems, aligned with product development. 

- Sustainable product development and production. Methods and tools, organization and processes to develop products with low environmental impact that contributes to economic benefit. System analysis and description models of economically, socially and environmentally sustainable production systems.

  • - Digitisation, automation and technologies. Exploitation and adoption of next-generation technologies in the production environment.
First NameLast NameTitle
Abdelhamid Bouchachia Visiting Professor
Abdulkarim Habbab Industrial Doctoral Student
Aleksandar Bajceta Doctoral student
Alessio Bucaioni Associate Professor
Ali Rastegari Doctoral student
Anas Fattouh Associate Professor
Anders Berglund Senior Lecturer
Anders Fundin Professor
Anders Hellström Lecturer
Anna Bird Project Manager
Anna Granlund Senior Lecturer
Anna Sannö Doctoral student
Antti Salonen Senior Lecturer
Åsa Rönnbäck Affiliated researcher
Bhanoday Reddy Vemula Doctoral student
Björn Fagerström Adjunct Professor,Professor
Carin Rösiö Post Doc
Catarina Bojesson Doctoral student
Christer Osterman Doctoral student
Christina Jönsson
Daniel Gåsvaer Doctoral student
Enxhi Ferko Doctoral student
Erik Flores-García Doctoral student
Erik Hellström Project Manager,Research Engineer/Technician
Filip Flankegård Doctoral student
Francesco Flammini Professor
Fredrik Ore Doctoral student
Frida Antonsson Research Engineer/Technician
Glenn Johansson Professor
Ignat Kulkov Post Doc
Imad Berrouyne
Ioanna Aslanidou Docent,Researcher
Jessica Bruch Professor
Joel Schedin Doctoral student
Lars Bark Lecturer
Leo Hatvani Lecturer
Lina Stålberg Doctoral student
Magnus Wiktorsson Visiting Professor
Marcus Bengtsson Researcher
Marcus Bjelkemyr Lecturer
Mariam Nafisi Doctoral student
Markus Bohlin Docent,Professor
Martin Kurdve Post Doc
Maryam Zahid Doctoral student
Mats Ahlskog Researcher
Mats Deleryd Professor
Mats Jackson Professor
Mikael Hedelind Project Manager
Mohammed Salloum Post Doc
Mohsin Raza Doctoral student
Monica Bellgran Professor
Moris Behnam Professor
Moshkan Ebrahimi Doctoral student
Muhammad Usman Sanwal Post Doc
Narges Asadi Affiliated researcher
Natalia Svensson Harari Doctoral student
Niklas Friedler Doctoral student,Lecturer
Peter Sjögren Doctoral student
Philip Wickberg Industrial Doctoral Student
Ragnar Tengstrand Senior Lecturer
Sahar Tahvili Affiliated researcher
Saman Abdullah
Samaneh Mohammadi Industrial Doctoral Student
Sarmad Bashir Doctoral student,Industrial Doctoral Student
Sasha Shahbazi Doctoral student,Research Assistant
Siavash Javadi Doctoral student
Staffan Andersson Doctoral student
Sten Grahn Research project manager,Researcher,Senior Lecturer
Sumaia Aldrea
Victor Azamfirei Doctoral student
Viktoria Badasjane Doctoral student
Waleed Jmoona
Yuji Yamamoto Post Doc
Yvonne Lagrosen Associate Professor
Project TitleStatus
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems active
ARRAY ++, Automation Region Research Academy active
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy active
CIMMREC - Circular Models for Mixed and Multi Material Recycling in Manufacturing active
Civilingenjör 4.0 Module C11 "Cyber Security, Industrial Data Protection and Data Integrity" active
DAIS - Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems active
Developing Predictable and Secure IoT for Autonomous Systems active
DigiMission active
Digital Twins for Essential Services active
IndTech Industrial Technology Graduate School active
INNOFACTURE - innovative manufacturing development active
Karakuri IoT step 2 active
KTP Energy Sweden active
MITC - Mälardalen Industrial Technology Center active
Model-Based DevOps for Cyber-Physical System Product Lines active
Organizing Experience Feedback Loops for Production Innovation (FeedInn) active
PREMIUM - Professional Education for Manufacturing Innovation active
Produktionslyftet Östra Mellansverige active
TransMission active
TRUST-SOS - TRUSTed Site Optimisation Solutions active
Volvo Group Arena active
XPRES - Excellence in Production Research active
Accelerating Innovation at the Fuzzy Front-End of Production System Development finished
Agile Parts Feeder Soulutions for Effective Packaging Operations finished
Blandat lärande i innovationsforskning (Blended Learning in Innovation Research) finished
Climate Smart Production Systems at Alfdex finished
COPE: Core Plant Excellence finished
Dataanalys inom underhållsplanering finished
Development of the master program Innovation & Design finished
DFRA-Robotdalen finished
DigiFuture finished
Digilyftet finished
Embedding innovation-oriented work within lean-production systems finished
EQUIP: User-Supplier integration in production equipment design finished
ETTRIG - Electric Towbarless Tractor with Range Extender and InteGrated charger finished
Factory in a Box finished
Flaggskeppsfabriken finished
Follow-up research at Research School Innofacture finished
Från patent till marknad finished
Green Production Systems finished
IDEA - InterDisciplinary Education Agenda finished
IdPeo - Prozeo finished
IdPeo - RobCab finished
Increased collaboration - Stärkt samverkan finished
Industrial Excellence projekt: ICA finished
Kaikaku finished
Karakuri IoT finished
Large scale production of mixed material products finished
LEAD - Lean Automation Development finished
Lean and Green Production Navigator finished
Lean Automation finished
Lean Automation Business - within SIO PiiA finished
Lean Robotik finished
Logistics Automation - Hospital Logistics finished
makeITrail - Digital innovation for railway production value chains finished
MEMIMAN - Material Efficiency Management in Manufacturing finished
PADME - Process Automation for Discrete Manufacturing Excellence finished
PIN-C (Participatory Innovation Conference) 2018 finished
Power Aware Cord finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Internal Materials Handling in a Lean Manufacturing Environment finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Manufacturing Strategy finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Performance Measurement System for Manufacturing Systems finished
PREPARE 09 Produktionsutveckling - Redesign av produktionssystem finished
Produktiv Laserspriralsvetsning finished
Produktutvecklingens beslutsprocesser finished
PROLOC - Manufacturing Footprint during the Product´s Life Cycle finished
Reducing maintenance-related waste finished
Robotisering i ett mindre företag finished
Scenario för Materialeffektivitet i tillverkning finished
SIMMILAR: Systems-of-Systems for Intelligent Manufacturing Maintenance using Industry 4.0, Lean, AI Reasoning finished
Sportrulle finished
Strategic Mobility Scania finished
Strategic Production Development finished
SUnT- Strategisk underhållsutveckling i tillverkningsindustrin finished
SuRe BPMS - Sustainable and Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems finished
Sustainable production of alcohol sensors finished
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering finished
TRUSTCM - TRUSTed decision-making system for Cognitive Manufacturing finished
Utformning av materialförsörjning till monteringslina finished
Utveckling och demonstration av robotcell finished
Valmas Döttrar finished
Water in a Box finished

[Show all publications]

On the ISO Compliance of Model-Based Risk Assessment for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Production Systems (Sep 2024)
Maryam Zahid, Alessio Bucaioni, Francesco Flammini
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2024 (IEEE-CSR 2024)

Leveraging GANs to Generate Synthetic Log Files for Smart-Troubleshooting in Industry 4.0 (Aug 2024)
Sania Partovian, Francesco Flammini, Alessio Bucaioni

Towards Compact Surface Languages for Specific Modelling Aspects in EAST-ADL (Jun 2024)
Imad Berrouyne, Alessio Bucaioni, Federico Ciccozzi, Henrik Lönn
12th Embedded Real-Time Systems Congress (ERTS2024)

Continuous Conformance of Software Architectures (Jun 2024)
Alessio Bucaioni, Amleto Di Salle , Ludovico Iovino , Leonardo Mariani , Patrizio Pelliccione
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2024)

Towards Interoperable Digital Twins: Integrating SysML into AAS with Higher Order Transformations (Jun 2024)
Enxhi Ferko, Luca Berardinelli , Alessio Bucaioni, Moris Behnam, Manuel Wimmer
3rd International Workshop on Digital Twin Architecture (TwinArch) and Digital Twin Engineering (DTE) (TwinArch DTE)

Integrating AIaaS into existing systems: the Gokind experience (Apr 2024)
Benedicte Boneza Musabimana , Alessio Bucaioni
21st International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2024)

Markus Bohlin, Docent,Professor

Email: markus.bohlin@mdh.se
Phone: +46 16 15 32 95