Yvonne Lagrosen is an associate professor in Quality Management and lecturer/researcher at the research profile Innovation and Product Realisation (IPR). Yvonne has a PhD in Quality Management from Chalmers University of Technology and is a steering group member of Swedish Quality Management Academy. Her research interest is mainly Quality Management and its connection to organisational learning, sustainability, brain functioning and employee health in different kind of organisations. Her research work is published in journals such as International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, International Journal of Educational Management and Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
Yvonnes research interest are Quality Management, Change and Operations management as well as Health Promotion and School Development. EspeciallyQuality Management and its connection to organisational learning, sustainability, culture, brain functioning and employee health in different kind of organisations have been researched.
Organizational learning in consciousness-based education schools – a multiple case-study (Apr 2020) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Educational Management (IJEM)
Workplace health in wellness - a study on Swedish spa-hotels (Nov 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS)
Waldorf Pedagogy as an Innovative Approach for School Health and Learning (Oct 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
Creating a culture for sustainability and quality – a lean-inspired way of working (Feb 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (TQM & BE)
Workplace health in wellness - a study of Swedish spa-hotels (Feb 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS)
The effects of workplace learning on employee health (Nov 2018) Stefan Lagrosen , Yvonne Lagrosen 15th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, (ICICKM´18)