The community of researchers and educationalists engaged in Innovation and Product Realisation (IPR) is based at the Eskilstuna campus, which provides a stimulating multidisciplinary environment. We conduct research on diverse aspects of Information design, Product and production development, Workplace innovation and quality management, and Value-driven innovation and foresight.
The research is predominantly conducted in co-production with the business sector and surrounding society, with a focus on future development and renewal within organisations. Our co-production partners include both local community groups and prominent corporations (such as ABB, Bombardier Transportation, Volvo Group and Scania CV).
Examples of research areas include innovation management, communication and information processes and artefacts, development and management of sustainable production systems with product development interfaces, interaction design, norm creativity and value-driven innovation, and sustainable development.
Shared objectives at IPR are to develop sustainable strategies for future production systems, innovation capabilities and design of information for reliable decision-making. Key targets are to co-productively generate generic descriptions of development processes, and develop methods, working procedures, and conditions to implement improvements within selected applications.
Deep engagement with other researchers and communities is (obviously) critical for realisation of our holistic vision. Thus, IPR members are actively engaged in diverse academic networks, both national and international, for example, The Design Society, The Swedish Production Academy, Swedish Quality Management Academy, WeSchool, and Workplace Research and Development.
The IPR community consists of researchers, teachers and PhD students with complementary scientific and pedagogic competences in engineering sciences, social sciences, Humanities and Arts. The vision of IPR is to contribute to sustainable future development and industrial renewal through holistic efforts that take into account people, systems and global challenges in research and education.
In addition to the research and co-production activities (which are educational for everyone involved), IPR offers nine formal education programs within engineering, innovation, and information design.
The IPR community at MDH is formally divided into four fluid research groups in which members frequently collaborate:
The Information Design group applies a human-centred design perspective in cross-disciplinary research projects formulated to improve understanding of how information can be designed, communicated and understood through artefacts in the environment in terms of space, text and visualizations.
The Workplace Innovation and Quality Management group uses and develops analytical tools and methods for handling and enabling processes of change in which employees participate, and explores ways to develop innovative skills through better understanding of social systems’ dynamics.
The Product and Production Development group creates knowledge about the renewal and development of products and production systems. Primary objectives are to elucidate processes, methods, tools and organizational arrangements that promote innovation and foster the sustainable development of production systems and products, thereby creating conditions that enhance manufacturing companies' competitiveness.
The Value-driven Innovation and Foresight group focuses on how innovation is expressed from a value-creating service perspective, using broad inclusion and democratization through Responsibility Research & Innovation Tools. The group also considers requirements to understand future needs, linking foresight and world analysis with the development of future business models.
IPR offers PhD degrees in Innovation and Design, involving highly multidisciplinary research and educational elements focused on new knowledge and explorations of the development processes from ideas to finished products. The program interactively addresses various technological and industrial applications and projects in collaboration with both the public sector and civil society.