The Product and Production development research group creates knowledge on the renewal and development of products and production systems. The research is based on an integrated development where many stakeholders' and time perspectives are balanced.
The research concerns the design, operations and improvement of the processes for product and production development. A major part of the research performed within the Product and Production Development research group focuses Design and Operations of the Production System where the product is realized. The production system comprises components like premises, humans, machines, equipment and software/ICT implying the need for a holistic view when designing and operating the system.
Key themes within the group are:
AI-Powered Semantic Search for Historical Documentation: A Collaborative Research with Hitachi Energy (Apr 2025) Ivan Hansson , Edvin Wiklund , Alessio Bucaioni, Luciana Provenzano
Enhancing IoT Edge Platforms: Selecting an MQTT-Compatible Broker for Kubernetes Environments (Apr 2025) Bahareh Aghajanpour , Alessio Bucaioni, Gabriele Capannini
Multi-Partner Project: A Model-Driven Engineering Framework for Federated Digital Twins of Industrial Systems (MATISSE) (Mar 2025) Alessio Bucaioni, Romina Eramo , Luca Berardinelli , Hugo Bruneliere , Benoit Combemale , Djamel Eddine Khelladi , Vittoriano Muttillo , Andrey Sadovykh , Manuel Wimmer Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference 2025 (DATE 2025)
A Functional Software Reference Architecture for LLM-Integrated Systems (Mar 2025) Alessio Bucaioni, Martin Weyssow , Junda He , Yunbo Lyu , David Lo 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025)
LLM-Based Recommender Systems for Violation Resolutions in Continuous Architectural Conformance (Mar 2025) Riccardo Rubei , Amleto Di Salle , Alessio Bucaioni 4th International Workshop of Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture (MDE4SA)
Architecture as Code (Dec 2024) Alessio Bucaioni, Amleto Di Salle , Ludovico Iovino , Patrizio Pelliccione , Franco Raimondi 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025)