Innovative Quality Improvements in Operations (Jul 2017) Tomas Backström, Anders Fundin, Peter E Johansson International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
The Quality Dilemma: Combining Development and Stability (Jul 2017) Anders Fundin, Bo Bergman , Mattias Elg International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Organizing viable development work in operations (Jul 2017) Peter E Johansson International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Kaikaku in production in Japan: An analysis of Kaikaku in terms of ambidexterity (Jun 2017) Yuji Yamamoto
Already there? Cultivating emergent places for radical innovation in operations (Jun 2017) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Innovative Quality Improvement in Operations - Introducing Emergent Quality Management (IQIO)
Managing crisis: a qualitative lens on the aftermath of entrepreneurial failure (Apr 2020) Adesuwa Omorede International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (IEMJ)
Workplace health in wellness - a study on Swedish spa-hotels (Nov 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS)
Let us measure, then what? Exploring purposeful use of Innovation Management Self-Assessments – A case study in the technology industry (Sep 2019) Peter E Johansson, Helena Blackbright, Tomas Backström, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Stefan Cedergren International journal of quality and reliability management (IJQRM)
Lead factory operationalisation and challenges (Apr 2019) Anna Granlund, Carin Rösiö, Jessica Bruch, Peter E Johansson Production planning and control (PPC)
Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm (Mar 2019) Anders Fundin, Tomas Backström, Peter E Johansson Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (TQM & BE)
Creating a culture for sustainability and quality – a lean-inspired way of working (Feb 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen Total Quality Management & Business Excellence (TQM & BE)
Workplace health in wellness - a study of Swedish spa-hotels (Feb 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS)
Lean production integration adaptable to dynamic conditions (Aug 2018) Lina Stålberg, Anders Fundin Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)
Visual management for a dynamic strategic change (May 2018) Yvonne Eriksson, Anders Fundin Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM)
Challenges and propositions for research in quality management (Mar 2018) Anders Fundin, Bjarne Bergquist , Henrik Eriksson , Ida Gremyr International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE)
Factors influencing control charts usage of operational measures (Sep 2017) Anna Ericsson Öberg , Peter Hammersberg , Anders Fundin Measuring Business Excellence (MBE)
Conceptions and operational use of value and waste in lean manufacturing – an interpretivist approach (May 2017) Peter E Johansson, Christer Osterman International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)
Kompetens och förutsättningar för praktikbaserad innovation – från självreglerat till expertstött förbättrings- och utvecklingsarbete (May 2017) Peter E Johansson Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige (PFS)
Exploring quality challenges and the validity of excellence models (Oct 2016) Henrik Eriksson , Ida Gremyr , Bjarne Bergquist , Rickard Garvare , Anders Fundin, Håkan Wiklund , Michael Westher , Lars Sörqvist International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM)
Exploring a holistic perspective on production system improvement (Jan 2016) Lina Stålberg, Anders Fundin International journal of quality and reliability management (IJQRM)
Exploring approaches how to measuring a lean process (Aug 2014) Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin Organization - Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources (OJMISHR)
Understanding New Service Development and Service Innovation through Innovation Modes (Feb 2014) Ida Gremyr , Lars Witell , Nina Löfberg , Bo Edvardsson , Anders Fundin Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (JBIM)
Workplace health in wellness - a study of Swedish spa-hotels Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS)
Waldorf Pedagogy as an Innovative Approach for School Health and Learning (Oct 2019) Yvonne Lagrosen European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
The Entrepreneur in Crisis: A Qualitative Lens on how Entrepreneurs Manage Failure (Sep 2019) Adesuwa Omorede European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
Psychosocial Risk Assessment and Treatment by Engineers and Technicians in a Manufacturing Company (Aug 2019) Rachael Tripney Berglund, Tomas Backström, Monica Bellgran ICRAM 2019 (ICRAM)
Nurturing My Satisfaction: Social Entrepreneurs and Their Benefits as Role Models (Jun 2019) Adesuwa Omorede European Academy of Management (EURAM)
Critical interfaces for managing international manufacturing networks – A literature review (Jun 2019) Viktoria Badasjane , Jessica Bruch, Peter E Johansson, Koteshwar Chirumalla 26 th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA)
Exploring the integration process of new practices for knowledge sharing (Jun 2019) Peter E Johansson, Jessica Bruch, Viktoria Badasjane , Anna Granlund, Carin Rösiö 26 th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA)
The effects of workplace learning on employee health (Nov 2018) Stefan Lagrosen , Yvonne Lagrosen 15th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, (ICICKM´18)
Dilemmas in service transformation: a service strategy implementation case (Sep 2018) Christer Nygren, Peter E Johansson, Anders Fundin The 28th International RESER Conference – Services in the age of contested globalization (RESER2018)
Innovative Technologies Shaping Lives of Men and Women in Nigeria (Sep 2018) Adesuwa Omorede Nordic African Days (NAD)
Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm (Sep 2018) Anders Fundin, Tomas Backström, Peter E Johansson The Excellence summit (Excellence sum)
Karakuri IoT – the concept and the result of pre-study (Sep 2018) Yuji Yamamoto, Kristian Sandström Proceedings Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXIII (ICMR2018)
Organisational learning in consciousness-based education – a multiple case-study (Aug 2018) Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen Organisational learning in consciousness-based education – a multiple case-study (QMOD 2018)
The effects of quality management on workplace health and stress (Aug 2018) Stefan Lagrosen , Yvonne Lagrosen Organisational learning in consciousness-based education – a multiple case-study (QMOD 2018)
The Affective Motivation of Women Miners in Ghana (Aug 2018) Adesuwa Omorede, Rufai Haruna Kilu
Understanding company specific Lean production systems. Is Lean getting lost in translation? (Jun 2018) Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin 25th Annual EurOMA conference (EurOMA)
To Exist Or To Persist: Exploring The Entrepreneurial PhasesFor Immigrant Entrepreneurs (May 2018) Adesuwa Omorede, Karin Axelsson Nordic Conference on Small Business Research Conference (NCSB)
Towards sustainable quality management – exploring the underlying dimensions (Mar 2018) Yvonne Lagrosen Zero energy mass customized housing (ZEMCH)
Solving the bottlenecks. The craftsmanship of collaborative research (Jan 2018) Peter E Johansson Participatory Innovation Conference 2018 (PIN-C 2018)
Strategies for emergent quality management (Jan 2018) Anders Fundin Participatory Innovation Conference 2018 (PIN-C 2018)
Need of understanding how to enhance innovation at early phases of production system development (Jan 2018) Yuji Yamamoto Participatory Innovation Conference 2018 (PIN-C 2018)
Assessment competence and its importance for IMA-tool use (Jun 2017) Helena Blackbright, Peter E Johansson, Tomas Backström, Stefan Cedergren, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM 2017)
Presencing and Downloading (Jun 2017) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Tomas Backström, Peter E Johansson, Helena Blackbright, Stefan Cedergren XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM 2017)
Co-creative dialogue in knowledge production-creativity and democracy in interplay Erik Lindhult, Bengt Köping Olsson Högskola och Samhälle i Samverkan (HSS´17)
Production system development through exploration - challenges and implications (Aug 2016) Daniel Gåsvaer, Anders Fundin, Peter E Johansson, Björn Langbeck 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Exploration and Exploitation within Operations (Sep 2015) Daniel Gåsvaer, Lina Stålberg, Mats Jackson, Anders Fundin, Peter E Johansson
Examination of the flexibility paradox in a Lean system (Sep 2014) Christer Osterman, Natalia Svensson Harari, Anders Fundin 58th EOQ Congress (EOQ 2014)
Supporting the integration of improvement approaches into operations (Jun 2014) Lina Stålberg, Anders Fundin 58th EOQ Congress (EOQ 2014)