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To Exist Or To Persist: Exploring The Entrepreneurial Phases For Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Nordic Conference on Small Business Research Conference


The present study looks into the immigrant entrepreneurial self and their opportunity identification strategies along the entrepreneurial phases. It addresses the recent surge in entrepreneurship literature that has attracted more attention due to the inflated level of immigrations especially in the European countries. The study draws samples from immigrants who have the intentions of starting a venture (the pre-start-up phase), those who have already started their venture (start-up/early phase), those who have nurtured their ventures to maturity (growth/development phase) and those who are in the process of exit (exit phase). Findings suggest that immigrant entrepreneurs adopt several strategies for capturing opportunity during the early phase which, in turn, influence their self-image. Additionally, for the immigrant entrepreneurs included in this study, the identifying and capturing of these opportunities becomes as important as how they perceive themselves. This study shows that the immigrant entrepreneurs’ affective motivation served as an essential mechanism leading their strong selfimage towards their aspirational goals


author = {Adesuwa Omorede and Karin Axelsson},
title = {To Exist Or To Persist: Exploring The Entrepreneurial Phases For Immigrant Entrepreneurs},
month = {May},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Nordic Conference on Small Business Research Conference},
url = {}