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Nurturing My Satisfaction: Social Entrepreneurs and Their Benefits as Role Models


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


European Academy of Management


By studying social entrepreneurs within an African context, this study explores how role models can benefit from role modeling activities and draws upon qualitative data. A total of 100 interviews conducted in two cycles were analyzed to develop a theoretical model that illustrates role model’s utmost satisfaction from their modeling and mentoring activities. Furthermore, the study illustrates that role models’ task performance and motivational drive feeds into the knowledge and skills they help their protégés build, which in turn develops their competence and increases their self-wellbeing. This study contributes both to the field of social entreprneurship and that of role model research.


author = {Adesuwa Omorede},
title = {Nurturing My Satisfaction: Social Entrepreneurs and Their Benefits as Role Models},
month = {June},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {European Academy of Management },
url = {}