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Dilemmas in service transformation: a service strategy implementation case
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The 28th International RESER Conference – Services in the age of contested globalization
This paper study a service strategy implementation case using an induc-tive method to catch informant-centric perspectives and create theory-centric categories leading to the findings of three dilemmas: not really service but only services, waste of potential value and no one owns ser-vices. These dilemmas can be used in servitization implementation work from a practical viewpoint and can be of value for the discussion around service strategy implementation within an industrial organisation, working with software development apart from more traditional manufacturing.
author = {Christer Nygren and Peter E Johansson and Anders Fundin},
title = {Dilemmas in service transformation: a service strategy implementation case},
month = {September},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {The 28th International RESER Conference – Services in the age of contested globalization},
url = {}