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Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm
Publication Type:
Journal article
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
The development of successful production systems is affected by conflicting forces, that is, initiatives seemingly conducive for one line of work can be a constraint for another. Consequently, this paper presents an alternative perspective on how these issues could be managed in organisations. There are a number of key challenges in terms of the involved dichotomies for future innovative quality improvements in operations. These dichotomies are part of four interrelated processes that are the central elements of a production system. As such, aiming for stability or change is a production process dilemma in terms of the production and distribution of offerings and solutions. Control and creativity are the main dilemmas of the innovation process, that is, the creation and implementation of new offerings and solutions, while exploitation and exploration are the dilemmas of the knowledge creation process and efficiency and effectiveness of the value creation process. As the simultaneous existence of both parts of the dichotomy seems to be a paradox, this paper suggests the emergent quality management paradigm as an alternative perspective providing the guidance, examples, and practical solutions necessary to solve these dilemmas by recognising the dichotomies as mutually dependent.
author = {Anders Fundin and Tomas Backstr{\"o}m and Peter E Johansson},
title = {Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm },
volume = {TBD},
number = {TBD},
pages = {1--13},
month = {March},
year = {2019},
journal = {Total Quality Management {\&} Business Excellence},
url = {}