Performance Assessment of Assembly Systems Linking strategy to Analysis in Early Stage Design of Large Assembly Systems. (Jun 2000) Magnus Wiktorsson
Manufacturing Engineering Requirements in the Early Stages of New Product Development—A Case Study in Two Assembly Plants (Oct 2018) Mariam Nafisi , Magnus Wiktorsson, Carin Rösiö, Anna Granlund
Using the Green Performance Map: towards material efficiency measurement (May 2018) Sasha Shahbazi, Magnus Wiktorsson, Martin Kurdve
Automation and Flexibility: An Apparent or Real Dilemma? (Jun 2017) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Mats Lundin , Birgitta Södergren International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Consideration of Legacy Structures enabling a Double Helix Development of Production Systems and Products (Jan 2014) Magnus Wiktorsson Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing (Springer Adv Man)
Design method of human–industrial robot collaborative workstation with industrial application (Sep 2020) Fredrik Ore, Juan Luis Jiménez Sánchez , Magnus Wiktorsson, Lars Hanson International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufactuirng (IJCIM)
Decision Making Approaches in Process Innovations: An Explorative Case Study (Sep 2019) Erik Flores-García, Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mats Jackson Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)
What guides information consensus? Approaching the reduction of equivocality in process innovations (Apr 2019) Erik Flores-García, Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mats Jackson International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR)
Coordination practices within international manufacturing networks (Mar 2018) Farhad Norouzilame, Magnus Wiktorsson American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM)
Material efficiency measurements in manufacturing: Swedish case studies (Jan 2018) Sasha Shahbazi, Christina Jönsson , Martin Kurdve, Marcus Bjelkemyr, Magnus Wiktorsson Journal of Cleaner Production (IJCLEPRO)
Material efficiency in manufacturing: Swedish evidence on potential, barriers and strategies (Apr 2016) Sasha Shahbazi, Magnus Wiktorsson, Martin Kurdve, Christina Jönsson , Marcus Bjelkemyr Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP127)
Human Industrial Robot Collaboration – development and application of simulation software (Mar 2016) Fredrik Ore, Lars Hanson , Niclas Delfs , Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation Vol 5 No 2 (IJHMFS)
Waste flow mapping to improve sustainability of waste management: a case study approach (Jul 2015) Martin Kurdve, Sasha Shahbazi, Marcus Wendin , Cecilia Bengtsson , Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Cleaner Production (IJCLEPRO)
Lean and green integration in production systems in Sweden - barriers, incentives and opportunities (Dec 2014) Martin Kurdve, Mats Zackrisson , Magnus Wiktorsson, Ulrika Harlin International Journal of Cleaner Production (IJCLEPRO)
Automation in internal logistics: strategic and operational challenges (Aug 2014) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM)
On the production location decision: a case study on process and criteria (Mar 2014) Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR)
POLCA and CONWIP performance in a divergent production line: an automotive case study (Jul 2013) Alireza Farnoush , Magnus Wiktorsson Journal of Management Control (JoMaC'24)
Automation in Healthcare Internal Logistics: A case study on practice and potential (May 2013) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management Vol. 10 No. 3 (IJITM 10-3, 2013)
Production control mechanisms and POLCA performance in a divergent production line (Dec 2012) Alireza Farnoush , Magnus Wiktorsson Journal of Production Research & Management.
The impact of legacy in production system design (Jan 2012) Magnus Wiktorsson Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara International Journal of Engineering
Drivers for life cycle perspectives in Product Realization (Jan 2012) Magnus Wiktorsson Acta Technica Corviniensis Bulletin of Engineering
Reducing environmental impact from manufacturing – a multiple case study of the manufacturing of ‘green’ products (Aug 2011) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Monica Bellgran Journal of Production Research & Management
Conditions for Innovation: Insights from a multi-case study (Jun 2011) Magnus Wiktorsson, Margareta Groth Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
A note on the specification of assembly systems (May 2000) Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Production Research
An optimal production flow control problem with impulsive demand (Jun 1997) Magnus Wiktorsson Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Challeges of Discrete Event Simulation in the Early Stages of Production System Design Erik Flores-García, Magnus Wiktorsson, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (IJIETAP)
Revisiting challenges in using Discrete Event Simulation in early stages of Production System Design (Aug 2018) Erik Flores-García, Magnus Wiktorsson, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson International conference of advances in production management systems (APMS)
Method for design of human-industrial robot collaboration workstations (Sep 2017) Fredrik Ore, Lars Hanson , Magnus Wiktorsson 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2017)
Ensuring manufacturability in early stages of new product development: a study of two practices (Jul 2017) Mariam Nafisi , Magnus Wiktorsson 24th EurOMA conference (EurOMA17)
Production system and material efficiency challenges for large scale introduction of complex materials (Jun 2017) Martin Kurdve, Fredrik Henriksson , Magnus Wiktorsson, Patrick Denzler, Mats Zackrisson , Marcus Bjelkemyr European Advanced Material Congress 2016 (EAMC 2016)
Sustainability Performance Indicators at Shop Floor Level in Large Manufacturing Companies (Mar 2017) Mats Zackrisson , Martin Kurdve, Sasha Shahbazi, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mats Winroth , Anna Landström , Peter Almström , Carin Andersson , Christina Windmark , Anna Ericsson Öberg , Andreas Myrelid 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering (CIRPLCE17)
Towards a Reduction of Uncertainty in Production System Design Decisions (Oct 2016) Erik Flores-García, Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mats Jackson Swedish Production Symposium 2016 (SPS 2016)
Automation constraints in human–industrial robot collaborative workstation design (Oct 2016) Fredrik Ore, Lars Hanson , Magnus Wiktorsson, Yvonne Eriksson Swedish Production Symposium 2016 (SPS 2016)
Empirical investigation of manufacturing industry, in Procedia Manufacturing Sasha Shahbazi, Martin Kurdve, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mohammed Salloum 14th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - CIRP (GCSM2016)
Present state analysis of business performance measurement systems in large manufacturing companies (Jun 2016) Anna Landström , Carin Andersson , Christina Windmark , Peter Almström , Mats Winroth , Magnus Wiktorsson, Sasha Shahbazi, Martin Kurdve, Mats Zackrisson , Anna Ericsson Öberg , Andreas Myrelid PMA Conference 2016 (PMA2016)
Using the Green Performance Map: towards the next step in material efficiency measurement (Jun 2016) Sasha Shahbazi, Magnus Wiktorsson 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Exploring Site roles in Global Corporations: Balancing Local identity to Global responsibility (Jun 2016) Magnus Wiktorsson, Birgitta Södergren , Ola Asplund 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Automation and Flexibility: Exploring Contradictions in Manufacturing Operations (Jun 2016) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Mats Lundin , Birgitta Södergren 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Manufacturing involvement in new product development: An explorative case study in heavy automotive component assembly (Jun 2016) Mariam Nafisi , Magnus Wiktorsson, Carin Rösiö 26th CIRP Design conference (CIRP DESIGN 2016)
Production System change strategy in lightweight manufacturing (Jun 2016) Martin Kurdve, Peter Sjögren, Magnus Widfeldt , Daniel Gåsvaer, Magnus Wiktorsson 26th CIRP Design conference (CIRP DESIGN 2016)
Maximising product possibilities while Minimising process change: A case of introducing Light Weight Material in Automotive Manufacturing (Jun 2016) Patrick Denzler, Magnus Wiktorsson 26th CIRP Design conference (CIRP DESIGN 2016)
Human - Industrial Robot Collaboration: Optimisation of workstation design (May 2016) Fredrik Ore, Bhanoday Reddy Vemula, Lars Hanson , Magnus Wiktorsson 6th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS16)
Simulation in the Production System Design Process of Assembly Systems (Dec 2015) Erik Flores-García, Magnus Wiktorsson, Mats Jackson, Jessica Bruch Winter Simulation Conference 2015 (WSC15)
Individuals’ Perception of Which Materials are Most Important to Recycle Marcus Bjelkemyr, Sasha Shahbazi, Christina Jönsson , Magnus Wiktorsson Advances in Production Management Systems 2015 (APMS15)
Virtual Verification of Human-Industrial robot Collaboration in Truck Tyre Assembly (Aug 2015) Lars Hanson , Fredrik Ore, Magnus Wiktorsson 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA (IEA2015)
Defining 'benefit' when making production investments - an inquiry of current standards (Sep 2014) Sten Grahn, Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson, Niklas Friedler Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
A Virtual Verification Approach Towards Evaluating a Multi-Product Assembly Systems (Sep 2014) Erik Flores-García, Mats Jackson, Magnus Wiktorsson Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
The Third Wave of Automation: Critical Factors for Industrial Digitization (Sep 2014) Örjan Larsson , Magnus Wiktorsson, Stefan Cedergren Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
Performance measurement review practices – a dual perspective case study (Jun 2014) Mohammed Salloum, Magnus Wiktorsson The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)
Lean automation development: applying lean principles to the automation development process (Jun 2014) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson, Sten Grahn, Niklas Friedler The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)