Anna Granlund, Senior Lecturer

Anna Granlund is employed as a researcher at the division of Product Realization within IPR. Anna received her M.Sc. in 2007 from Mälardalen University in the area of Product and Process Development and her Ph.D from the same university in 2014 with the dissertation “Facilitating Automation Development in Internal Logistics Systems”. Before her PhD-studies, Anna worked as a research assistant at MDH and Robotdalen. Today Anna is involved research and teaching in both undergraduate and graduate level. 


Anna’s research interest is connected to production systems design and development. Her research addresses both technical and organisational aspects related to production system development on strategic as well as operational level. Anna’s research focus has been on logistics systems, automation development and user-supplier collaboration. The research is carried out in close cooperation with industry and she has also been conducting research within the healthcare sector.  

Today Anna is working in the research projects: COPE – Core Plan Excellence, SUPER - Supplier involvement in product development: The supplier perspective, PADME - Process Automation for Discrete Manufacturing Excellence as well as being part of the Research Leading Team for XPRES. She is also track leader ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy.