Patrick Denzler was a research assistant at Mälardalen University in Innovation, Design and Engineering. In 2018 he got a PhD position at the faculty of informatics at TU-Vienna and continued his research in digitalisation and computer science in the Institute of Computer Engineering.
Patrick received an M.Sc. in 2014 from Jönköping University in the area of Production Development and Management after completing his master thesis about creativity in the innovation process. He has got his Dipl.Ing.FH. in Mechatronics from the ZHAW School of Engineering in Switzerland (2007) with a major in control engineering, high power electronics, and embedded systems. Additionally, he is holding a Master of advanced studies in Business Administration (2011) from the ZHAW School of Management and Law in Switzerland.
He has been working for Huber+Suhner AG (Switzerland) as an application engineer in the Middle East region since 2007 and started 2009 as product manager a new product portfolio in the same company.
Concurrent OPC UA information model access, enabling real-time OPC UA PubSub (Sep 2022) Patrick Denzler, Mohammad Ashjaei, Thomas Frühwirth , Victor Nicholas Ebirim , Wolfgang Kastner International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory (ETFA'2022)
Production system and material efficiency challenges for large scale introduction of complex materials (Jun 2017) Martin Kurdve, Fredrik Henriksson , Magnus Wiktorsson, Patrick Denzler, Mats Zackrisson , Marcus Bjelkemyr European Advanced Material Congress 2016 (EAMC 2016)
Maximising product possibilities while Minimising process change: A case of introducing Light Weight Material in Automotive Manufacturing (Jun 2016) Patrick Denzler, Magnus Wiktorsson 26th CIRP Design conference (CIRP DESIGN 2016)