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Using the Green Performance Map: towards material efficiency measurement
Publication Type:
Book chapter
Palgrave MacMillan
Previous environmental studies indicate several barriers to circular economy and material efficiency including a lack of detailed methodologies for manufacturing improvement in terms of environmental and operational performances to measure, monitor and evaluate material consumption and waste generation. A lean and green tool, Green Performance Map, is an appropriate tool for different environmental initiatives including training, improvement, reporting, and development. Through literature review and multiple case study methodology, this paper presents the current application of GPM in industry and its usage to regularly measure and monitor the material efficiency measurements on different levels and to remove barriers to improved material efficiency.
author = {Sasha Shahbazi and Magnus Wiktorsson and Martin Kurdve},
title = {Using the Green Performance Map: towards material efficiency measurement},
editor = {Luitzen De Boer and Poul Houman Andersen (Eds.)},
month = {May},
year = {2018},
publisher = {Palgrave MacMillan },
url = {}