Mohammed Salloum's professional interests are management accounting and control systems and the research dittos are consolidated around performance management and measurement in relation to organisational change.
Performance measurement review practices – a dual perspective case study (Jun 2014) Mohammed Salloum, Magnus Wiktorsson The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)
Performance measurement review practices – a dual perspective case study (Sep 2013) Mohammed Salloum, Stefan Cedergren, Magnus Wiktorsson, Marcus Bengtsson 7th conference on performance measurement and management control (EIASM'13)
Managing change in performance measures within a manufacturing context (2013) Mohammed Salloum
Explaining the Evolution of Performance Measures - A Dual Case-Study Approach (2013) Mohammed Salloum Journal of Engineering, Project and Production Management (EPPM)
Performance Measures in Lean Production Settings: A Case Study (Dec 2012) Mohammed Salloum Journal of Production Research & Management
Performance measures in lean production settings - a case study (Nov 2012) Mohammed Salloum Swedish Production Symposium 2012