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What guides information consensus? Approaching the reduction of equivocality in process innovations


Publication Type:

Journal article


International Journal of Manufacturing Research


This study investigates the achievement of information consensus and the reduction of equivocality in process innovations. Drawing on the operations management literature, a new framework to guide information consensus in the reduction of equivocality in process innovations is proposed. The analysis is based on a real-time case study in the heavy vehicle industry. The results show that information consensus is not achieved by a single event, but active work towards this goal is necessary, and a clear set of pre-requisites is needed for achieving information consensus. The concepts of strategic objective, decision areas, and external and internal fit are identified as pre-requisites for achieving information consensus about the purpose, characteristics, and functionalities of process innovations.


author = {Erik Flores-Garc{\'\i}a and Jessica Bruch and Magnus Wiktorsson and Mats Jackson},
title = {What guides information consensus? Approaching the reduction of equivocality in process innovations},
editor = {Jan-Eric St{\aa}hl},
volume = {9},
number = {1},
pages = {1--22},
month = {April},
year = {2019},
journal = {International Journal of Manufacturing Research},
url = {}