Artificial Intelligence Methods for Optimization of the Software Testing Process With Practical Examples and Exercises (Jul 2022) Sahar Tahvili, Leo Hatvani
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in System Testing (Jul 2023) Michael Felderer , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Sahar Tahvili Optimising the Software Development Process with Artificial Intelligence (Springer)
Technical Credit (Sep 2024) Ian Gorton , Alessio Bucaioni, Patrizio Pelliccione Communications of the ACM (CACM)
An Intelligent Test Management System for Optimizing Decision Making During Software Testing (Aug 2024) Albin Lönnfalt , Viktor Tu , Gregory Gay , Animesh Singh , Sahar Tahvili Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
Programming with ChatGPT: How far can we go? (Feb 2024) Vilma Helander , Hampus Ekedahl , Alessio Bucaioni, Thanh Phuong Nguyen Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA)
Model Based Trustworthiness Evaluation of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Production Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study (Jan 2024) Maryam Zahid, Alessio Bucaioni, Francesco Flammini ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
Analysis of log files to enable smart-troubleshooting in Industry 4.0: a systematic mapping study (Dec 2023) Sania Partovian, Alessio Bucaioni, Francesco Flammini, Johan Thornadtsson Journal of IEEE Access (IEEE-Access)
Synergies of Operation, Information, and Communication Technology for Solving New Societal and Industrial Challenges: Future Directions (Oct 2023) Wenbin Dai , Paulo Leitao , Kim Fung Tsang , Yang Shi , Gerhard Hancke , Lei Shu , Moris Behnam, Vyatkin Valeriy
Harnessing ChatGPT for Model Transformation in Software Architecture: From UML State Diagrams to Rebeca Models for Formal Verification Zahra Moezkarimi, Kevin Eriksson , Albin Alm Johansson , Alessio Bucaioni, Marjan Sirjani 4th International Workshop of Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture (MDE4SA)
A Functional Software Reference Architecture for LLM-Integrated Systems (Mar 2025) Alessio Bucaioni, Martin Weyssow , Junda He , Yunbo Lyu , David Lo 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025)
LLM-Based Recommender Systems for Violation Resolutions in Continuous Architectural Conformance (Mar 2025) Riccardo Rubei , Amleto Di Salle , Alessio Bucaioni 4th International Workshop of Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture (MDE4SA)
Exploring Dynamic Map Validation at Construction Sites: A Case Study and Feasibility Analysis (Dec 2024) Anas Fattouh, Sara Afshar, Markus Bohlin 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2024)
Exploring Dynamic Map Validation at Construction Sites: A Case Study and Feasibility Analysis Philip Wickberg, Anas Fattouh, Sara Afshar, Markus Bohlin 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2024)
On the ISO Compliance of Model-Based Risk Assessment for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Production Systems (Sep 2024) Maryam Zahid, Alessio Bucaioni, Francesco Flammini IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience 2024 (IEEE-CSR 2024)
Leveraging GANs to Generate Synthetic Log Files for Smart-Troubleshooting in Industry 4.0 Sania Partovian, Francesco Flammini, Alessio Bucaioni 50th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (SEAA 2024)
Real-time Optimization of Testbeds for Cloudified Radio Access Networks Using Artificial Intelligence (Jun 2024) Animesh Singh , Chen Song , Jiecong Yang , Sahar Tahvili The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (IARIA 2024)
Towards Compact Surface Languages for Specific Modelling Aspects in EAST-ADL (Jun 2024) Imad Berrouyne, Alessio Bucaioni, Federico Ciccozzi, Henrik Lönn 12th Embedded Real-Time Systems Congress (ERTS2024)
Continuous Conformance of Software Architectures (Jun 2024) Alessio Bucaioni, Amleto Di Salle , Ludovico Iovino , Leonardo Mariani , Patrizio Pelliccione 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2024)
Towards Interoperable Digital Twins: Integrating SysML into AAS with Higher Order Transformations (Jun 2024) Enxhi Ferko, Luca Berardinelli , Alessio Bucaioni, Moris Behnam, Manuel Wimmer 3rd International Workshop on Digital Twin Architecture (TwinArch) and Digital Twin Engineering (DTE) (TwinArch DTE)
Integrating AIaaS into existing systems: the Gokind experience (Apr 2024) Benedicte Boneza Musabimana , Alessio Bucaioni 21st International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2024)
A Multilevel Modelling Framework for Quarry Site Operations (Apr 2024) Abdulkarim Habbab, Anas Fattouh, Bobbie Frank , Elianne Lindmark , Koteshwar Chirumalla, Markus Bohlin 12th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems (SESoS 2024)
Evolution of an Automotive Modelling Language for Enhanced Support of Diverse Network Interface Controllers (Feb 2024) Alessio Bucaioni, Saad Mubeen International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Control, Data Sciences and Applications 2024 (ACDSA 2024)
Time Series Anomaly Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks in the Manufacturing Process (May 2023) Cristina Landin, Jie Liu , Sahar Tahvili The 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITEST 2023) (AITest 2023)
An Integrated Simulation Framework for Construction Site Operations (Dec 2022) Anas Fattouh 1st IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON2022)
A Dynamic Threshold Based Approach for Detecting the Test Limits (Oct 2021) Cristina Landin, Jie Liu , Sahar Tahvili The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2021)
Performance Analysis of Deep Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Commercial Microwave Link Attenuation (Oct 2020) Olof Engström , Sahar Tahvili, Auwn Muhammad , Forough Yaghoubi , Lissy Pellaco The 2020 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS2020)