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Synergies of Operation, Information, and Communication Technology for Solving New Societal and Industrial Challenges: Future Directions


Wenbin Dai , Paulo Leitao , Kim Fung Tsang , Yang Shi , Gerhard Hancke , Lei Shu , Moris Behnam, Vyatkin Valeriy

Publication Type:

Journal article




The world is facing a series of new societal and industrial challenges, such as continuously increasing costs in food and energy supply and a short supply of skilled labor. To solve these new challenges, operation, information, and communication technology is entering a new era with more focus targeted to cost reduction and energy savings. In this article, how innovative technologies including virtualization, low-code development, digital twins, and industrial agents can support and impact digital and green transitions is analyzed. In addition, how these technologies will help the security and sustainability of future industrial automation systems is also discussed.


author = {Wenbin Dai and Paulo Leitao and Kim Fung Tsang and Yang Shi and Gerhard Hancke and Lei Shu and Moris Behnam and Vyatkin Valeriy },
title = {Synergies of Operation, Information, and Communication Technology for Solving New Societal and Industrial Challenges: Future Directions},
pages = {2--12},
month = {October},
year = {2023},
url = {}