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Exploring Dynamic Map Validation at Construction Sites: A Case Study and Feasibility Analysis
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Construction sites are moving towards using autonomous machines, such as autonomous haulers, to improve productivity and safety. However, enabling efficient and safe navigation of autonomous haulers at an open-pit mining site necessitates a dynamic map of the environment. In our previous works, we introduced a dynamic multi-layered map designed for this purpose. Subsequently, we proposed how to adopt the digital twin standard for manufacturing to implement this map. Yet, the proposed dynamic multi-layered map needs to be validated in real-world scenarios, which are not evident for such off-road domains.
This paper presents an analysis of the state-of-practice scenarios used in validating current static maps for a fleet of autonomous haulers performing assigned missions in real-world open-pit mining applications. Drawing from insights from this case study and industrial expertise, this paper suggests validation scenarios for the multi-layer dynamic map. Moreover, the paper discusses simulation tools that could be utilized to assess the feasibility of dynamic maps in such off-road domains at construction sites.
author = {Anas Fattouh and Sara Afshar and Markus Bohlin},
title = {Exploring Dynamic Map Validation at Construction Sites: A Case Study and Feasibility Analysis},
month = {December},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
url = {}