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A Dynamic Threshold Based Approach for Detecting the Test Limits
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
Finding a balance between meeting the testing goals and testing resources is always a challenging task. Therefore, employing Machine Learning (ML) techniques for test optimization purposes has received a great deal of attention. However, utilizing ML techniques requires frequently large volumes of data to obtain reliable results. Since the data gathering is hard and also expensive, reducing unnecessary failure or retest in a testing process might end up minimizing the testing resources.
Final test yield is a proper performance metric to measure the potential risks influencing certain failure rates. Typically, production determines the yield's minimum threshold based on an empirical value given by the subject matter experts. However, those thresholds cannot monitor the yield's fluctuations beyond the acceptable thresholds, which might cause potential failures in consecutive tests. Furthermore, defining the empirical thresholds as either too tight or too loose in production is one of the main causes of yield dropping in the testing process. In this paper, we propose an ML-based solution that detects the divergent yield points based on the prediction and raises a flag depending on the yield class to the testers when a divergent point is above a data-driven threshold.
This flexibility enables engineers to have a quantifiable tool to measure to what extend the different changes in the production process are affecting the product performance and execute actions before they occur. The feasibility of the proposed solution is studied by an empirical evaluation which has been performed on a Telecom use-case at Ericsson in Sweden and tested in two of the latest radio technologies, 4G and 5G.
author = {Cristina Landin and Jie Liu and Sahar Tahvili},
title = {A Dynamic Threshold Based Approach for Detecting the Test Limits},
month = {October},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {The Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances},
url = {}