Striving for meaning – a study of innovation processes (Oct 2015) Åsa Öberg
Innovation driven by meaning (Nov 2012) Åsa Öberg
Communication Space - Spatial design in manufacturing industry (Apr 2011) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer
Visualization in Reflective Practice - Support for Management (Oct 2012) Anders Wikström, Mats Jackson Design Management Journal
Figures of Speech as Semantic Operators in the Innovation Process (Dec 2011) Claudio DellEra , Tommaso Buganza , Roberto Verganti European Journal of Innovation Management
R&D network: an evaluation framework (Dec 2011) Alessandro Sala , Paolo Landoni , Roberto Verganti International Journal of Technology Management
Language Brokering: stimulating creativity during the concept development phase (Dec 2011) Claudio DellEra , Tommaso Buganza , Camilla Fecchio , Roberto Verganti Creativity and Innovation Management
Radical Design and Technology Epiphanies: a new focus for research on design management (Nov 2011) Roberto Verganti Journal of Product Innovation Management
Designing Breakthrough Products (Oct 2011) Roberto Verganti Harvard Business Review
The method of photo-elicitation from a phenomenological perspective (Dec 2014) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Anna-Lena Carlsson 13th International design conference Design 2014 (DESIGN'14)
Tool-complexes of innovation. (Jun 2014) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Yvonne Eriksson DRS 2014: Design's Big Debates. (DRS 2014)
Spatial design supporting the management of radical improvements within the manufacturing industry. (Aug 2013) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Mats Jackson International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13)
Exploring storyboarding in prebrief activities (Aug 2013) Anders Wikström, Roberto Verganti International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13)
Storyboarding - framing the “frame” of opportunity. (Aug 2013) Anders Wikström, Amanda Everskog, Amanda Forsberg Wallin, Maja Hyltefors, Sofie Larsen, Roberto Verganti International Conference on Engineering Design 2013 (ICED13)
Storyboard - Framing and reframing the design brief (Jun 2013) Anders Wikström, Roberto Verganti 20th International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC13)
When meaning drives innovation a study of innovation dynamics in the robotic industry19th (Jun 2012) Åsa Öberg, Roberto Verganti 19th International Product Development Management Conference -
Demystifying Innovation and Design - the Importanze of Visualization in Ideation and Conceptual Design (May 2012) Anders Wikström, Mats Jackson 12th International Design Conference
The Use of Storyboard to Capture Experience (Aug 2011) Anders Wikström, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Åsa Öberg, Yvonne Eriksson Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Vol. 10
Industrial Designers and their Role in New Product Development (Jun 2011) Pietro Micheli , Keith Goffin , Roberto Verganti 18th EIASM International Product Development Management Conference
Innovating Innovation Policy: The Role of Innovation Prizes and Other Emerging Tools (Jun 2011) Gabriele Colombo , Paolo Landoni , Roberto Verganti 18th EIASM International Product Development Management Conference
A Narrative Approach Towards Understanding Innovation (Jun 2011) Anders Wikström, Karin Berglund Proceedings of 18th International Product Development Management Conference
Vision and Innovation of Meaning - Hermeneutics and the search for technology epiphanies (Jun 2011) Åsa Öberg, Roberto Verganti Proceedings of the 18th International Product Development Management Conference