Jennie Schaeffer is Head of Division of Information Design at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. She is a senior lecturer and a member of the Information Design Research group.
Jennie Schaeffer's research interest is in the field of spatial design and artifacts' relation to creative processes and communication.
Let us measure, then what? Exploring purposeful use of Innovation Management Self-Assessments – A case study in the technology industry (Sep 2019) Peter E Johansson, Helena Blackbright, Tomas Backström, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Stefan Cedergren International journal of quality and reliability management (IJQRM)
Already there? Cultivating emergent places for radical innovation in operations (Jun 2017) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Innovative Quality Improvement in Operations - Introducing Emergent Quality Management (IQIO)
A New Survey Instrument for Assessing the Innovation Climate (Jun 2017) Stefan Cedergren, Tomas Backström, Helena Blackbright, Peter E Johansson, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM 2017)
Assessment competence and its importance for IMA-tool use (Jun 2017) Helena Blackbright, Peter E Johansson, Tomas Backström, Stefan Cedergren, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM 2017)
Presencing and Downloading (Jun 2017) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Tomas Backström, Peter E Johansson, Helena Blackbright, Stefan Cedergren XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM 2017)
The Poetics of Workplaces (Jun 2017) Anna-Lena Carlsson, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer
Thesis Title | Status |
Music in Motion - Smart Soundscapes | in progress |