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Exploring storyboarding in prebrief activities
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
International Conference on Engineering Design 2013
Creating ideas is no longer seen as a challenge within companies, creative sessions and brainstorming is widespread in most companies. However, when creating a design brief there is a lack of tools and methods finding problems and framing situations of interest. This paper examines the characteristics of storyboarding, the making of the storyboard, in pre-brief activities. In an explorative study 54 teams participating in an idea development workshop is analyzed. The workshop was developed using theories from design, visual thinking and narrative, using visual tools in every step with a focus on framing a situation of interest. This study provides an initial understanding of storyboarding in a new area and tentatively suggests that storyboarding stimulate creativity and reflection on emotions in the situation of interest. It also seems like storyboarding stimulates teams in organizing and discussing raw data widely. Storyboarding seems promising as a method but needs to be compared to the traditional way of describing a brief, a written document. An experiment is suggested to evaluate the differences between pre-brief activities made with storyboarding compared to written.
author = {Anders Wikstr{\"o}m and Roberto Verganti},
title = {Exploring storyboarding in prebrief activities},
isbn = { },
month = {August},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {International Conference on Engineering Design 2013},
url = {}