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The method of photo-elicitation from a phenomenological perspective
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
13th International design conference Design 2014
In this article we discuss the method of the photo-elicitated interview (PEI), as a tool in human-centred design research with respect to context and workspace. A phenomenological perspective focus on the human experience, examine and clarify situations, events and experiences as they occurs spontaneously in daily life (Seamon, 2000). This article intend to provide background theories from phenomenology and examples from an empirical study to discuss if and how PEI is instrumental in getting information from interviewees about their relation to their workspaces and innovation. Although the phenomenological theoretical perspective is relevant and therefore used here to describe human relation to workspaces and discuss the method, our use of specific notions from phenomenology aims firstly to support the analyse of the method to inform design research, and is not intended develop the phenomenological concepts themselves.
@inproceedings{Andersson Schaeffer3539,
author = {Jennie Andersson Schaeffer and Anna-Lena Carlsson},
title = {The method of photo-elicitation from a phenomenological perspective},
editor = {13th International design conference Design 2014},
volume = {DESIGN},
month = {December},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {13th International design conference Design 2014},
url = {}