Anders Fundin, Professor

Anders Fundin is professor in Quality Technology and Management and director of research at the research profile Innovation and Product Realisation (IPR). Anders has a PhD in Quality Technology and Management from Chalmers University of Technology and a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University. With strategic och operational experience from the automotive industry, his research interest has evolved in areas such as Quality Technology and Management, Operations Management and Change Management, and he is a board member of the Swedish Quality Management Academy. The research work is published in journals such as for example, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Service Industry Management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management.

Anders research interests are Quality Technology and Management, Change Management and Operations Management, and he is a board member of the Swedish Quality Management Academy. The research work is published in journals such as for example, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Service Industry Management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management.