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Understanding company specific Lean production systems. Is Lean getting lost in translation?
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
25th Annual EurOMA conference
This research explores how Lean could be translated from a generic concept into a company specific production system (XPS). These types of translations are in practise often made by a XPS Support Function (XPS SF). The XPS SF of three cases serves as respondents. Theoretical implications of this research concern the translation of Lean as an important tool to understand the integration of Lean. Managerial implications concern the role of using translations of all Lean principles to develop a system that develops over time. Even if Lean is not completely lost in translation there are considerable difficulties to overcome.
author = {Christer Osterman and Anders Fundin},
title = {Understanding company specific Lean production systems. Is Lean getting lost in translation?},
month = {June},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {25th Annual EurOMA conference },
url = {}