Christer Nygren, Doctoral student, Lecturer

Christer Nygren has worked for Mälardalen University for more than 10 years as a lecturer and currently holds a position as lecturer, doctoral student and head of internationalisation at IDT/IPR. Parallell during the lecturing role Christer has been working as head of divison at innovation management, study director, program coordinator and teacher representative on the Univeriaty board. Before that Christer was part of the telecom business working in roles within professional services, business consulting and technical sales. Also representing Mälardalen University at Automation Region and at Research and Development Council in Västmanland, a seed caplital investment organisation. Christer holds a M.Sc. degree in industrial engineering and management from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University.

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Latest publications:

Dilemmas in service transformation: a service strategy implementation case (Sep 2018)
Christer Nygren, Peter E Johansson, Anders Fundin
The 28th International RESER Conference – Services in the age of contested globalization (RESER2018)

A Systemic Approach to Business Model Innovation (Oct 2014)
Christer Nygren
ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum (ISPIM)

Business Model Innovation in the Cloud (Oct 2013)
Christer Nygren, Anders Kettis , Catharina Limmerfelt , Erik Lindhult
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013 (INFORMS2013)

ICT enabled business model innovation to support servitization in global industrial companies (Aug 2013)
Christer Nygren, Erik Lindhult
22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF2013)

Visitor involvement and extensive networking. (Oct 2010)
Carina Sjödin, Christer Nygren, Tomas Backström
Organising work for innovation and growth - Esxperiences and efforts in ten companies.

The character of innovation system for service
Erik Lindhult, Carina Sjödin, Christer Nygren, Neil Urquhart
7th AMA SERVSIG International Service Research conference 2012 (7th AMA SERVSIG)