The aim is improved theoretical and methodological knowledge on service innovation management in industrial companies. The project is focusing on the challenges in servitization: the innovation of an organization’s capabilities, systems and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services that deliver value in use. The project study and contribute to servitization of Swedish global industrial companies, organizing corporate innovation systems for service innovation, and development of open, participatory and collaborative approach to innovation management appropriate for services. The theoretical aim is the development of complexity theory for service innovation management, using action research methodology to further improved understanding and facilitation of servitization.
First Name | Last Name | Title |
Tomas | Backström | Professor |
Gerald | Midgley | Visiting Professor |
James K. | Hazy | Visiting Professor |
Per | Kristensson | Visiting Professor |
Erik | Lindhult | Senior Lecturer |
Carina | Sjödin | Doctoral student,Lecturer |
Christer | Nygren | Doctoral student,Lecturer |
Anders | Kettis | |
Athanasios | Karapantelakis | |
Caroline | Blomberg | |
Catharina | Limmerfelt | |
Koteshwar | Chirumalla | Researcher,Senior Lecturer |
Neil | Urquhart |
Dilemmas in service transformation: a service strategy implementation case (Sep 2018) Christer Nygren, Peter E Johansson, Anders Fundin The 28th International RESER Conference – Services in the age of contested globalization (RESER2018)
Value logics for service innovation: practice-driven implications for service-dominant logic (Jan 2018) Erik Lindhult, Koteshwar Chirumalla, Pejvak Oghazi , Vinit Parida Service Business: An International Journal (SBJ)
Organizing Experience Feedback Loops for Continuous Innovation (Sep 2015) Koteshwar Chirumalla, Erik Lindhult 16th International Continuous Innovation Network Conference (CINet 15)
Value driven innovation in industrial companies: A complexity approach (Jun 2015) Erik Lindhult, James K. Hazy, Gerald Midgley, Koteshwar Chirumalla The XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference (ISPIM'15)
A Systemic Approach to Business Model Innovation (Oct 2014) Christer Nygren ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum (ISPIM)
Systemic innovation – theoretical considerations (Jul 2014) Erik Lindhult, Gerald Midgley
Partner | Type |
Adelphi University | Academic |
Karlstad University | Academic |
University of Hull | Academic |
ABB Process Automation | Industrial |
Ericsson Global Services Research | Industrial |