Towards a lean integration of lean (Jun 2015) Christer Osterman
Conceptions and operational use of value and waste in lean manufacturing – an interpretivist approach (May 2017) Peter E Johansson, Christer Osterman International Journal of Production Research (IJPR)
Exploring approaches how to measuring a lean process (Aug 2014) Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin Organization - Journal of Management, Information Systems and Human Resources (OJMISHR)
Understanding company specific Lean production systems. Is Lean getting lost in translation? (Jun 2018) Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin 25th Annual EurOMA conference (EurOMA)
Interpretations and assessments of value and waste in lean manufacturing – a comparative case study (Jun 2016) Peter E Johansson, Christer Osterman 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Flexibility in Lean Mixed Model Assembly Lines (Sep 2014) Natalia Svensson Harari, Christer Osterman, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson International conference of advances in production management systems (APMS)
Improvements in vain - the 9th waste (Sep 2014) Marcus Bengtsson, Christer Osterman Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
Examination of the flexibility paradox in a Lean system (Sep 2014) Christer Osterman, Natalia Svensson Harari, Anders Fundin 58th EOQ Congress (EOQ 2014)
Exploring approaches how to measure a lean process (Sep 2013) Christer Osterman, Anders Fundin 16 Quality Management and Organizational Development Conference (QMOD)