Roberto Verganti, Professor (not working at IDT anymore)

Prof Verganti is a full professor of management of innovation (with tenure) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy and has been working with IPR for some years and is employed at 70% as guest professor since Jan 2012. Verganti is a pioneer and one of the most respected international scholars in the field of management of design and innovation. Through more than twenty years of research, he has investigated the challenges and processes of design and innovation in more than 100 companies, ranging from dominant players such as Microsoft and Vodafone, and to small and dynamic firms such as Alessi and Nintendo. His studies have shed new light on how executives can capture the value of design, envision breakthrough innovations, collaborate with external innovators, deploy flexible development processes, foster creativity and learning in their teams. Verganti´s research in this field has been published on several scientific journals including Management Science and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. He has published three articles on the Harvard Business Review and his book “Design-Driven Innovation”, published by Harvard Business Press, 2009, has been selected by BusinessWeek as one of the best Innovation and Design books of 2009 and has been translated in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Portuguese. His latest interests in research focus on how firms can combine technologies and design to achieve competitive advantage.