Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh join to division of product realisation as Post doc researcher and lecturer. She held a post doc from LTU in division of operation and maintenance engineering. Her research finding on ‘predicting the remaining useful life of machineries in mining industry’ was considered as ‘promising (in terms of cost controls)’ by LTU’s official ‘News and Media’, and also widely acclaimed by the academicians and the project’s industrial collaborators. She recieved her Msc(2002) and Phd(2008) in Industrial engineering, and her Bsc(1997) in Mathematic(Applied in computer) from Tehran University. Farzaneh has been assistant professor for more than seven years with the Industrial Engineering Department, Azad University in Iran. Her career as a ‘researcher’ was further consolidated, as she was teaching both master’s and Ph.D. students and supervising their research projects.
Farzaneh's professional and academic research interests include Quality control and management, Process ( Monitoring, Control , Analysis, Modelling and System Identification, Optimization, Troubleshooting and Improvement), Operations research and management, Probability analysis, Time series analysis, Multivariate Statistical Data Analysis,, Meta-Heuristic algorithms (Artificial Neural Network, Particle swarm), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Manufacturing Engineering, Reliability and maintenance analysis. Results of her research have been published in international journals, and proceedin of conferences.
Recently, she has involved in different research projects, like "Reducing maintenance related waste" and "Capturing weak signals in foresight innovation".
Currently, she is researching on different methodolgy within the area of "Multi criteria decision making".
Ranking of Two Multi Criteria Decision Making Cases with Evidential Reasoning under Uncertainty (Jul 2017) Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal V2(3) (ASTESJ-V2(3))
Using evidential reasoning approach for prioritization of maintenance-related waste caused by human factors: a case study (Jun 2017) Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Marcus Bengtsson The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IJAMT)
Multi Criteria Decision Making with Evidential Reasoning under Uncertainty (Dec 2016) Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2016)
Using evidential reasoning approach for prioritization of maintenance-related waste caused by human factors - a case study (Oct 2016) Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Marcus Bengtsson International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IJAMT)
Handbok för att minska underhållsrelaterade slöserier (Jul 2016) Marcus Bengtsson, Carina Söderlund, Antti Salonen, Koteshwar Chirumalla, Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Ali Rastegari
Customer credit scoring using a hybrid data mining approach (Apr 2016) Mohammadali Abedini , Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Rassoul Noorossana Kybernates V45(10) (KybernatesV45/10)