The fuzzy front end of manufacturing technology development – Exploring the link between the known and the unknown (Dec 2017) Mats Ahlskog
Supporting Pre-Development of New Manufacturing Technologies (Apr 2015) Mats Ahlskog
The fuzzy front end of manufacturing technology development (Oct 2019) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
Integrating knowledge for manufacturing technology development (Jan 2019) Anna Sannö, Mats Ahlskog International Journal of Product Development (IJDP)
Knowledge integration in manufacturing technology development (Aug 2017) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)
Towards Model-Based Performability Evaluation ofProduction Systems (Sep 2020) Alessio Bucaioni, Francesco Flammini, Mats Ahlskog Work-in-progress at IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (WIP@ETFA)
Prerequisites that support the fuzzy front end of manufacturing technology development (Jul 2017) Mats Ahlskog 24th EurOMA conference (EurOMA17)
Managing early manufacturing technology development – phases and key activities (Jun 2016) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
A co-creating research approach when exploring episodic change for sustainable operations (Apr 2016) Anna Sannö, Mats Ahlskog, Mats Jackson, Anders Fundin 5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management (P&OM 2016)
Joint Development of a Manufacturing Technology: A Longitudinal Case Study within the Manufacturing Industry (Jun 2015) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference (EurOMA15)
Manufacturing Technology Readiness Assessment (May 2015) Mats Ahlskog, Mats Jackson, Jessica Bruch POMS 26th Annual Conference (POMS)
Evaluation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology during New Product Development (Jun 2014) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)
FACTORS AFFECTING DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN A MACHINING ENVIRONMENT (May 2014) Mats Ahlskog, Jessica Bruch, Mats Jackson Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering 2014 (TMCE 2014)
Remote integration of advanced manufacturing technologies into production systems: integration processes, key challenges and mitigation actions (Jan 2023) Anas Fattouh, Koteshwar Chirumalla, Mats Ahlskog, Moris Behnam, Leo Hatvani, Jessica Bruch Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)