Jakten på Entreprenörer – om öppningar och låsningar i Entreprenörskapsdiskursen (Jan 2007) Karin Berglund
Entrepreneurship Requires Resistance to be Mobilized. (Nov 2010) Karin Berglund
Arenor för entreprenörskap (Nov 2008) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson
Entreprenörskap & Skolan Vad berättar lärare att de gör lärare när de gör entreprenörskap i skolan? (Dec 2007) Karin Berglund
Creativity for industrial renewal (Dec 2011) Karin Berglund, Bengt Köping Olsson
Mikrokrediter! – Ett sätt att mobilisera kvinnors entreprenörskap? (Dec 2008) Karin Berglund Arenor för Entreprenörskap
Entreprenörskap och Ordning och reda – hur hänger de(t) ihop? (Dec 2008) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson Arenor för Entreprenörskap
Kreativ imitation - berättelser om innovationer i skolan (Nov 2008) Anders W Johansson, Karin Berglund Perspektiv pÃ¥ förnyelse och entreprenörskap i offentlig förvaltning
Renoverat språkbruk om företagsamhet (Jan 2008) Karin Berglund Kvinnors företagande. En idéskrift kring forskning om kvinnors entreprenörskap
Interaktiv kritisk forskning: En arena för omprövning av gemensam kunskap (Dec 2007) Karin Berglund, Inger Danilda Gemensamt kunskapande - den interaktiva forskningens praktik
Technology driven discovery as a catalyst for entrepreneurial action. - A case study of the implementation of information technology in a group of firms (Dec 2005) Karin Berglund, Maria Dahlin , Martin Johanson Managing Customer Relationships on the Internet
Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice (Dec 2012) Carina Holmgren, Karin Berglund Int. J. Entrepreneurial Venturing
What do teachers do when they do entrepreneurship education….and how can we ask about it? (Jan 2008) Karin Berglund, Carina Holmgren Journal of Business and Globalization
Entrepreneurship and Conscientization on Processes of Regional Development (Nov 2007) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Walking a Tightrope Between Artistry and Entrepreneurship. (Nov 2007) Karin Berglund, Maria Dahlin , Anders W Johansson Journal of Enterprising Communities
Construction of Entrepreneurship: A Discourse Analysis of Academic Publications (Nov 2007) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson Journal of Enterprising Communities
Book review: Making Sense of Intellectual Capital: Designing a Method for the Valuation (Dec 2005) Karin Berglund, Maria Dahlin , Ulf Johansson , Maria Mårtensson European Accounting Review
A Narrative Approach Towards Understanding Innovation (Jun 2011) Anders Wikström, Karin Berglund Proceedings of 18th International Product Development Management Conference
Conceptualizing Everyday Entrepreneurship: A theoretical contribution to entrepreneuring (Dec 2010) Karin Berglund, Erik Lindhult Företagsekonomisk ämneskonferens 2010, 1-2 december, Växjö/Kalmar
A policy to unleash innovation: How can gender improve innovation and entrepreneurship policy?, (Oct 2010) Karin Berglund, Jennie Granat Thorslund Triple Helix VIII-International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages 20-22 October, 2010, Thematic workshop: Gendered structures in public innovation policies.
The Perfect M(is)s Match: Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship – business as usual or an arena for subversive practices? (Jun 2010) Karin Berglund, Jennie Granat Thorslund Presented at: Gender, Work and Organization, 6th international interdisciplinary conference, 21st 23rd June, 2010. Conference stream: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth: Gender perspectives.
To play or not to play: that is the question: Gender perspectives on entrepreneurship and innovation (Jun 2010) Karin Berglund, Malin Tillmar Gender, Work and Organization, 6th international interdisciplinary conference, 21st 23rd June, 2010. Conference stream: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth: Gender perspectives.
Entrapped in story-telling: Becoming a free-moving entrepreneuse or a follower to an entrepreneur (Jun 2010) Karin Berglund, Carina Holmgren Gender, Work and Organization, 6th international interdisciplinary conference, 21st 23rd June, 2010. Conference stream: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth: Gender perspectives
Who can an entrepreneur become? (Aug 2009) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson Nordic Academy of Management Meeting 2009
Practicing otherness: Recapturing space of action through identity construction processes (Aug 2009) Karin Berglund, Monica Lindgren 20th NFF Conference:
The introduction of entrepreneurship in contemporary Swedish education policy: Ugly duckling or beautiful swan?, (Sep 2008) Karin Berglund ECER 2008 in Gothenburg, The European Conference on Educational Research in Gothenburg, Sweden, 10-12 September.
The Entrepreneur as Productive, Unproductive, and Constructive (Aug 2007) Karin Berglund, Monica Lindgren 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference in Bergen, 9-11 aug 2007.
Conceptualizing everyday entrepreneurship: The case of college students at the risk of dropping out (Jun 2007) Karin Berglund, Erik Lindhult International Small Business Conference
Mobilizing entrepreneurship (Jun 2007) Karin Berglund 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference - Critical perspectives on Health, Climate Change and Corporate Responsibility
Conceptualizing Everyday Entrepreneurship: The case of college students at the risk of dropping out (Jun 2007) Erik Lindhult, Karin Berglund ICSB World Conference, Åbo, 13-15 june, 2007.
Partnerskap som socialt entreprenörskap (May 2007) Erik Lindhult, Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson HSS 2007, Jönköping
At the Intersection of Entrepreneurship Education Policy and Practice - On conflicts, tensions and closures (Apr 2006) Karin Berglund, Carina Holmgren Nordic Conference on Small Business Research in Stockholm
The Entrepreneurship Discourse - Outlined from Diverse Constructions of Entrepreneurship on the Academic Scene. (Feb 2006) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson AGSE conference in Auckland, New Zeeland 2006 and CommEnt Research Symposium in Hammer Springs
Walking a tightrope between artistry and entrepreneurship - the stories of Hotel Woodpecker, Otter Inn and Luna Resort, (Feb 2006) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson, Erik Lindhult Proceedings from the AGSE conference in Auckland, New Zeeland, 2006
The Institutionalization of Entrepreneurship within the Educational System (Dec 2005) Karin Berglund, Carina Holmgren RENT conference
A public initiative towards an entrepreneurial region - An ethnographic study with a focus on release and evolution of creative processes (Nov 2003) Karin Berglund RENT XVII Conference in Lodz 2003.
Entreprenöriella processer – kan de skapas? (May 2003) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson HSS-konferensen i Ronneby den 14-16 maj 2003
Entreprenörskap och förskolan: Utvärdering och förslag till utvecklingsstödjande följeforskning (Feb 2010) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson, Carina Holmgren
Med plats för kreativitet (Oct 2008) Karin Berglund
Jakten på Entreprenörer – en ny folkrörelse (Dec 2006) Karin Berglund