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Creativity for industrial renewal

Publication Type:

Book chapter


Whether creativity is needed for the development of new products and services or for the creation of new jobs (Eliasson, 2006), it is stressed as a prerequisite for innovation and entrepreneurship (Johansson, 2010). Creativity is considered important for coping with the upcoming need to make full use of ecological and social resources.Taking Buber‘s view on creativity as a point of departure we propose that a post-industrial society should reconsider the view of creativity as something that is possessed by a person. With a Buberian understanding of creativity we aim to suggest in this chapter, a new agenda for research on creativity and for stimulating creativity in unexpected ways in industrial renewal processes.


author = {Karin Berglund and Bengt K{\"o}ping Olsson},
title = {Creativity for industrial renewal},
isbn = {978-91-7485-038-3},
editor = {E. Segelod, E. Berglund, E. Bjurstr{\"o}m, E. Dahlquist, L. Hall{\'e}n {\&} U. Johansson},
pages = {381--391},
month = {December},
year = {2011},
url = {}