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Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice
Publication Type:
Journal article
Int. J. Entrepreneurial Venturing
Inderscience Publisher
This article pays interest to the intersection between policy and
practice when implementing entrepreneurship in the educational system.
Taking a point of departure in Mahieu’s (2006) call for knowledge of the
interplay between different policy levels and Backström-Widjeskog’s (2010)
conclusion about tensions occurring when teachers are introduced to the
concept, the intention is to develop knowledge about conflicts and tensions at
the intersection between policy and practice. From analysing policy documents
and narratives from entrepreneurship education implementation projects during
a time when entrepreneurship education started to be promoted in Sweden three
figures of thought are found (economic/humanistic, biological/social, and
individual/collective) which are proposed to be involved in creating tensions
and conflicts in the intersection between policy and practice. Theoretically,
these figures of thought can be seen as a contribution to understanding
processes in which the concept of entrepreneurship education has deliberately
been moved, by way of policy, to the educational practice. Reflecting on these
thought figures may enhance teachers’ translation processes when starting to
work with entrepreneurship education in practice.
author = {Carina Holmgren and Karin Berglund},
title = {Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice},
month = {December},
year = {2012},
journal = {Int. J. Entrepreneurial Venturing},
publisher = {Inderscience Publisher},
url = {}