Visiting professor of entrepreneurship at Mälardalen University. Professor of entrepreneurship at Linneus University, Växjö
Research on crititical perspective on entrepreneurship
Entreprenörskap och förskolan: Utvärdering och förslag till utvecklingsstödjande följeforskning (Feb 2010) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson, Carina Holmgren
Regional development by means of broadened entrepreneurship (Aug 2009) Anders W Johansson European Planning Studies
Who can an entrepreneur become? (Aug 2009) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson Nordic Academy of Management Meeting 2009
Stories within and behind the story: A representation of entrepreneurial process (Jul 2009) Anders W Johansson Critical Management Studies, Warwick 2009
Recreating a Family Busienss: the Fu stories (Jun 2009) Anders W Johansson 5th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
Arenor för entreprenörskap (Nov 2008) Karin Berglund, Anders W Johansson
Lina Stenmark (former)