Production Development - Design and Operations of Production Systems (Jan 2009) Monica Bellgran, Kristina Säfsten
Produktionsutveckling - Utveckling och drift av produktionssystem (Dec 2005) Monica Bellgran, Kristina Säfsten
Environmental Management in Manufacturing Industries (Jun 2015) Monica Bellgran, Jessica Bruch
Produktionsutveckling (Dec 2006) Monica Bellgran, Kristina Säfsten Ledning i smÃ¥företag
Characteristics of product introduction process in low-volume manufacturing industries: A case study (Mar 2016) Siavash Javadi, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)
Manufacturing Aspects of Offshore Fabrication and Installation (Oct 2014) Peter Sjögren, Björn Fagerström, Monica Bellgran
On the production location decision: a case study on process and criteria (Mar 2014) Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR)
Integrated portfolio planning of products and production systems (Feb 2014) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM)
Characteristics affecting management of design information in the production system design process (Mar 2013) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Journal of Production Research
Creating a competitive edge when designing production systems – facilitating the sharing of design information (Dec 2012) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Journal of Services Sciences
Design information for efficient equipment supplier/buyer integration (May 2012) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran Journal of Manufacturing Technology Managment
Reducing environmental impact from manufacturing – a multiple case study of the manufacturing of ‘green’ products (Aug 2011) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Monica Bellgran Journal of Production Research & Management
Fundamental mindset that drives improvements towards lean production (Feb 2010) Yuji Yamamoto, Monica Bellgran Int J of Assembly Automation
Psychosocial Risk Assessment and Treatment by Engineers and Technicians in a Manufacturing Company (Aug 2019) Rachael Tripney Berglund, Tomas Backström, Monica Bellgran ICRAM 2019 (ICRAM)
Product development in low-volume manufacturing industries: characteristics and influencing factors (Jul 2015) Siavash Javadi, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Conference on Engineering Design 2015 (ICED15)
Engineering Change Management in Engineering-To-Order Projects from a Manufacturing Perspective (Sep 2014) Peter Sjögren, Monica Bellgran, Björn Fagerström Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
User-supplier integration throughout the different lifecycle stages of the production equipment (Sep 2014) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Monica Bellgran, Anna Granlund Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
Semi-Submersible Gravity Based Hybrid Structure – An Alternative to Jacket and Topside Platforms (Jun 2014) Peter Sjögren, Monica Bellgran, Björn Fagerström 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE14)
Production plants within global production networks: Synergies and redundancies (Jun 2014) Farhad Norouzilame, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)
COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (May 2014) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran, David Bennett International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)
The Importance of Information Transfer Between Project Phases (Dec 2013) Peter Sjögren, Monica Bellgran, Björn Fagerström 3rd International Conference on Ship & Offshore Technology - India 2013 (ICSOT-13)
Challenges in the Industrialization Process of Low-Volume Production Systems (Sep 2013) Siavash Javadi, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013 (ICMR2013)
Production Localization Factors: An Industrial and Literature Based Review (Sep 2013) Marcus Bjelkemyr, Magnus Wiktorsson, Carin Rösiö, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013 (ICMR2013)
Risk Analysis in Manufacturing Footprint Decisions (Sep 2013) Carin Rösiö, Magnus Wiktorsson, Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013 (ICMR2013)
Green KPIs as drivers for environmental improvements on shop floor level (Aug 2013) linnea petersson, Lennart Swanström, Monica Bellgran International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM)
Decision support for production localization: Process, activities and localization factors (Jun 2013) Monica Bellgran, Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Magnus Wiktorsson 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery (EurOMA 2013)
Four types of manufacturing process innovation and their managerial concerns (May 2013) Monica Bellgran, Yuji Yamamoto Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP)
Manufacturing process improvements using value adding process point approach (Apr 2013) Monica Bellgran, Yuji Yamamoto International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)
Considering Production Localisation in the Productiuon System Design process (Nov 2012) Joel Schedin, Carin Rösiö, Monica Bellgran Swedish Production Symposium 2012 (SPS 2012)
Manufacturing location decision: a case study on process and criteria (Nov 2012) Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran Swedish Production Symposium 2012 (SPS 2012)
Sourcing factors affecting production localisation decisions (Sep 2012) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran, Jayaprakash Lakshmikanthan , Godfred Tabiri Proceedings of the the Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium
Critical factors for successful user-supplier integration in the production system design process (Sep 2012) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran IFIP WG5.7 Annual Conference, Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2012
Factors related to local supply base development affecting production localisation in China (Sep 2012) Monica Bellgran, Jianyuan Xie Proceedings of the Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium
Information Management for Production System Design with a New Portfolio Approach (Aug 2011) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran 21st International Conference on Production Reserach - Innovation in product and Production
The critical role of design information for improved equipment supplier integration during production system design (Jun 2011) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Managing Production Performance with Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) - Implementation Issues and Common Pitfalls (Jun 2011) Carin Andersson , Monica Bellgran Proceedings of the 44th Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP)
Green Performance Map – An Industrial Tool for Enhancing Environmental Improvements within a Production System (May 2011) Karin Romvall, Martin Kurdve, Monica Bellgran CIRP Life Cycle Engineering
In search for improved decision making on manufacturing footprint: A conceptual model for information handling (May 2011) Jessica Bruch, Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran, Mohammed Salloum 4th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS11
A systematic approach for identifying material and logistics efficiency potentials in assembly (May 2011) Martin Kurdve, Karin Romvall, Monica Bellgran, Emma Torstensson Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium, May 3-5th 2011
Implementation and use of OEE as a production performance measure (May 2011) Carin Andersson , Monica Bellgran Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium, May 3-5th 2011
Competitiveness by integrating the green perspective in production – A review presenting challenges for research and industry (Jul 2010) Karin Romvall, Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran 20th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM) 2010
Exploring requirement specification of the production system – a position paper (Dec 2009) Jessica Bruch, Monica Bellgran, Christer Johansson
Spatial design and communication for Improved Production Performance (Nov 2009) Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Monica Bellgran the Swedish Production Symposium, SPS â09
Reducing Environmental Impact from Manufacturing: Three Industrial Cases for the Manufacturing of ‘Green’ Products (Jun 2009) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Monica Bellgran 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Production management infrastructure that enables production to be innovative (2009) Monica Bellgran, Yuji Yamamoto 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery (EurOMA 2013)
Factory-in-a-box – Demonstrating the next generation manufacturing provider (Nov 2008) Mats Jackson, Monica Bellgran, Magnus Wiktorsson The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Sustainable Manufacturing - Challenges and Possibilities for Research and Industry from a Swedish perspective (Nov 2008) Magnus Wiktorsson, Monica Bellgran, Mats Jackson The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Guidelines for increasing skills in Kaizen shown by a Japanese TPS Expert at 6 Swedish Manufacturing Companies (2008) Yuji Yamamoto, Monica Bellgran The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 08)
Kaizen and Kaikaku– Recent challenges and support models (2008) Monica Bellgran, Yuji Yamamoto, Mats Jackson Swedish Production Symposium 2008 (SPS 2008)
Production Location Handbook (Sep 2013) Carin Andersson , Monica Bellgran, Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Magnus Wiktorsson, Christina Windmark