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Characteristics of product introduction process in low-volume manufacturing industries: A case study
Publication Type:
Journal article
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
– The purpose of this paper is to understand how the characteristics of low-volume manufacturing industries influence the product introduction process and factors which can facilitate that process in low-volume manufacturing industries.Design/methodology/approach
– A literature review and a multiple-case study were used to achieve the purpose of the paper. The multiple-case study was based on two product development projects in a low-volume manufacturing company.Findings
– The main identified characteristics of the product introduction process in low-volume manufacturing industries were a low number of prototypes, absence of conventional production ramp-up, reduced complexity of the process, failure to consider the manufacturability of the products due to an extensive focus on their functionality and increased complexity of resource allocation. It was determined that prior production of similar products could serve as a facilitator of the manufacturing process.Research limitations/implications
– The main limitation of this study is that the identified characteristics and facilitating factors are confined to the internal variables of the studied company. A study of the role of external variables during the product introduction process such as suppliers and customers could be the subject of future studies.Practical implications
– This research will provide practitioners in low-volume manufacturing industries with general insight about the characteristics of the product introduction process and the aspects that should be considered during the process.Originality/value
– Whereas there is a significant body of work about product introduction process in high-volume manufacturing industries, the research on characteristics of the product introduction process in low-volume manufacturing industries is limited.
author = {Siavash Javadi and Jessica Bruch and Monica Bellgran},
title = {Characteristics of product introduction process in low-volume manufacturing industries: A case study},
editor = {Harm-Jan Steenhuis},
volume = {25},
number = {2},
pages = {535--559},
month = {March},
year = {2016},
journal = {Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management},
url = {}