Facilitating Automation Development in Internal Logistics Systems (Feb 2014) Anna Granlund
Competitive Internal Logistics Systems through Automation (Jun 2011) Anna Granlund
Manufacturing Engineering Requirements in the Early Stages of New Product Development—A Case Study in Two Assembly Plants (Oct 2018) Mariam Nafisi , Magnus Wiktorsson, Carin Rösiö, Anna Granlund
Automation and Flexibility: An Apparent or Real Dilemma? (Jun 2017) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Mats Lundin , Birgitta Södergren International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (Springer)
Investigating Alternatives for System Architectures to Enhance Discrete Manufacturing (Aug 2019) Sara Afshar, Fereidon Koroorian , Mohammad Ashjaei, Anna Granlund International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN)
Managing the core plant role – key prerequisites from an operations perspective. (Apr 2019) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Anna Granlund, Peter E Johansson International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR)
Lead factory operationalisation and challenges (Apr 2019) Anna Granlund, Carin Rösiö, Jessica Bruch, Peter E Johansson Production planning and control (PPC)
Automation in internal logistics: strategic and operational challenges (Aug 2014) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM)
Automation in Healthcare Internal Logistics: A case study on practice and potential (May 2013) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management Vol. 10 No. 3 (IJITM 10-3, 2013)
Lean Automation: Requirements and Solutions for Efficient use of Robot Automation in the Swedish Manufacturing Industry (Aug 2011) Mats Jackson, Mikael Hedelind, Erik Hellström, Anna Granlund, Niklas Friedler International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation Vol. 3 No. 2 (IJERI 3/2)
Reducing environmental impact from manufacturing – a multiple case study of the manufacturing of ‘green’ products (Aug 2011) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Monica Bellgran Journal of Production Research & Management
Exploring the integration process of new practices for knowledge sharing (Jun 2019) Peter E Johansson, Jessica Bruch, Viktoria Badasjane , Anna Granlund, Carin Rösiö 26 th EurOMA Conference (EurOMA)
Towards core plant excellence - Prerequisites and challenges with the core plant role (Oct 2016) Gautam Nanda , John-Pierre Yalman , Carin Rösiö, Jessica Bruch, Peter E Johansson, Anna Granlund Swedish Production Symposium 2016 (SPS 2016)
Core plant capabilities for competitive production development - a literature review (Jun 2016) Jessica Bruch, Anna Granlund, Peter E Johansson, Carin Rösiö 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
Automation and Flexibility: Exploring Contradictions in Manufacturing Operations (Jun 2016) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Mats Lundin , Birgitta Södergren 23rd EurOMA conference (EUROMA 2016)
User-supplier collaboration in production equipment development – a lifecycle perspective (Jun 2015) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Anna Granlund 22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference (EurOMA15)
Production system design in a global manufacturing context: A case study of a global contract manufacturer (Jan 2015) Farhad Norouzilame, Jessica Bruch, Anna Granlund POMS 26th Annual Conference (POMS)
User-supplier integration throughout the different lifecycle stages of the production equipment (Sep 2014) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Monica Bellgran, Anna Granlund Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
Defining 'benefit' when making production investments - an inquiry of current standards (Sep 2014) Sten Grahn, Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson, Niklas Friedler Swedish Production Symposium 2014 (SPS 2014)
Lean automation development: applying lean principles to the automation development process (Jun 2014) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson, Sten Grahn, Niklas Friedler The 21st EurOMA Conference (EurOMA 2014)
Managing automation development projects – a comparison of industrial needs and existing theoretical support (Jun 2013) Anna Granlund, Mats Jackson The 23rd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM'13)
Designing internal logistics systems fit for the future (Jun 2013) Anna Granlund 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery (EurOMA 2013)
The concept of Lean Automation - a pilot installation (Nov 2012) Anna Granlund, Niklas Friedler, Mats Jackson, Erik Hellström, Linda Carnbo Swedish Production Symposium 2012 (SPS 2012)
A model for the formulation of an automation strategy (Jul 2012) Anna Granlund, Niklas Friedler 4th World Conference P&OM/19th EUROMA Conference
Defining the automation equipment acquisition process – from a system supplier’s perspective (Jun 2012) Niklas Friedler, Anna Granlund The 22nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing
Resource Efficiency in Internal Logistics: a Survey on Objectives and Performance (May 2011) Anna Granlund Proceedings of the 4th International Swedish Production Symposium, 3-5 May,
Reducing Environmental Impact from Manufacturing: Three Industrial Cases for the Manufacturing of ‘Green’ Products (Jun 2009) Magnus Wiktorsson, Anna Granlund, Monica Bellgran 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Realizing a Factory-in-a-Box Solution in a Local Manufacturing Environment (Jun 2009) Anna Granlund, Mikael Hedelind, Magnus Wiktorsson, Annica Hällkvist , Mats Jackson 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Logistics Automation - an Enabler for Competing (Sep 2008) Anna Granlund, Mats Jackson In Proceedings of Hamburg International Conference of Logistics 2008: Operations and technology management
Development of Robust Production Equipment (Nov 2016) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Martin Kurdve, Marcus Bengtsson, Anna Granlund, Erik Dahlquist, Lennart Swanström
Utveckling av Robust Produktionsutrustning (Apr 2016) Jessica Bruch, Carin Rösiö, Martin Kurdve, Marcus Bengtsson, Anna Granlund, Erik Dahlquist, Lennart Swanström
Lean Automationsutveckling - Handbok (Apr 2016) Anna Granlund, Magnus Wiktorsson, Niklas Friedler, Sten Grahn
Förändringar inom materialförsörjning till följd av globala inköp: En fallstudie på ABB Robotics, Västerås (Oct 2007) Anna Granlund