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Production system and material efficiency challenges for large scale introduction of complex materials
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
European Advanced Material Congress 2016
This paper links production system research to advanced material research for the vehicle industry. Facilitated by need for reduction of fuel use, the automotive industry is pushing a radical change from using steel structures to new mixed materials structures. In production systems optimised for steel, the changes will affect productivity and material efficiency. Four industrial case studies focusing on production economy and productivity give implications of production technology demands on the material selection regarding new joining techniques and additive or forming methods which has to be investigated when considering new materials. Material efficiency analysis shows that minimising spill in production operations and regulatory demand of recycling need to be considered in material development, which implies both design for disassembly, advanced separation processes and use of recycled raw materials. To be successful in new material introduction, new information flows and knowledge sharing moving from operations and manufacturing development to materials development and design are needed. The material developers could use axiomatic design strategies to structure the production system demands on the materials. State of the art lightweight producers in vehicle and automotive industry are likely early adopters to advanced lightweight structures with need of information flows between material development and operations.
author = {Martin Kurdve and Fredrik Henriksson and Magnus Wiktorsson and Patrick Denzler and Mats Zackrisson and Marcus Bjelkemyr},
title = {Production system and material efficiency challenges for large scale introduction of complex materials },
pages = {492--499},
month = {June},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {European Advanced Material Congress 2016},
publisher = {VBRI Press},
url = {}