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Maximising product possibilities while Minimising process change: A case of introducing Light Weight Material in Automotive Manufacturing

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


26th CIRP Design conference


Companies are challenged to achieve maximised benefits in time, money and novelty when introducing new products or technologies into their existing manufacturing systems. This paper set the focus on the introduction of new materials into existing products and if the adverse effects on manufacturing will outweigh the benefits. An automotive case was studied where discrete event simulation was used as tool to evaluate process consequences when introducing new material and process technologies into the production system. The question concerned if discrete event simulation can verify production system capabilities even in early conceptual design stages. The case analysis is concluded by three challenge areas concerning early stages of production system design. The difficulties of evaluating operational key performance indicators early in design processes becomes evident and needed future research efforts within the area are pointed out.


author = {Patrick Denzler and Magnus Wiktorsson},
title = {Maximising product possibilities while Minimising process change: A case of introducing Light Weight Material in Automotive Manufacturing},
month = {June},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {26th CIRP Design conference},
url = {}