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Engineering 2.0: leveraging a bottom-up and lightweight knowledge sharing approach in cross-functional product development teams
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies
The paper explores the application of Web 2.0 technologies in the engineering product development domain. Growing on data collected from a number of industrial development projects, related to several different products in various industry segments, the paper analyses the dichotomy between the prevailing hierarchical structure of CAD/PLM/PDM systems and the emerging principles of the Social Web, e.g. the self-organization of its users. It introduces the concept of Engineering 2.0, intended as a more bottom up and lightweight knowledge sharing approach supporting early stage design decisions within cross-functional product development teams. A set of scenarios related, for instance, to the application of blogs, wikis, forums and tags in the engineering domain are eventually presented, highlighting opportunities, challenges and no-go areas.
author = {Koteshwar Chirumalla},
title = {Engineering 2.0: leveraging a bottom-up and lightweight knowledge sharing approach in cross-functional product development teams},
month = {September},
year = {2010},
booktitle = {10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies},
url = {}