Regisserad kompetensutveckling



Utveckling och implementering av regisserande ledarskap: Chefsuppgiften att ge sin arbetsgrupp förutsättningar att arbeta självorganiserat.

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Managers' task to supportintegrated autonomy at the workplace. Results from an intervention. (Oct 2013)
Tomas Backström, Marie Moström Åberg , Bengt Köping Olsson, Lena Wilhelmson , Mattias Åteg
International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM)

Isolated cases or widespread practice? The occurrence of sharing managers (Dec 2012)
Marianne Döös , Tomas Backström, Marika Melin , Lena Wilhelmson
Economics and Business Letters

The Managers’ Directing Task (Dec 2011)
Tomas Backström, Bengt Köping Olsson, Lena Wilhelmson , Marie Åberg , Mattias Åteg
International Conference on Researching Work and Learning

The Role of Manager in the Post-Industrial Work System (Jun 2011)
Tomas Backström, Lena Wilhelmson , Bengt Köping Olsson, Mattias Åteg , Marie Åberg
Studies in industrial renewal

Kaikaku – a complement to emergence based development. (Nov 2010)
Tomas Backström, Bengt Köping Olsson
The First International Conference on Design Creativity

How to organize for local resource generation (Nov 2010)
Tomas Backström
Business sustainability I. Management, technology and learning fro individuals organisations and society in turbulent environment

Tomas Backström, Professor

Phone: +46 (0) 16 153230