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Digital micro-services on an AI-based construction site simulation platform: Exploring service types and key challenges


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


10th International Conference on Business Servitization


A construction site typically encompasses various heavy-duty industrial electric and autonomous vehicles. As the construction industry embraces advanced digital and Industry 4.0 capabilities, it has begun exploring ways to enhance customer support for continuous site operations through diverse digital micro-services. These micro-services offer opportunities to improve operational efficiency, promote sustainability, and deliver tailored solutions. However, their specific types and implementation challenges remain insufficiently understood across different levels of construction site operations. To bridge this knowledge gap, this study aims to investigate the potential of digital micro-services on an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based construction site simulation platform within the heavy-duty vehicle industry. By conducting a case study in a manufacturing company operating in the heavy-duty vehicle industry, this research identifies the key types of digital micro-services that the company can offer. It considers four levels of construction site operations: site-level, fleet-level, machine-level, and component-level. Furthermore, the study elucidates the primary challenges encountered during the development and delivery of digital micro-services on an AI-based site platform. Drawing upon the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) theory, the research systematically categorizes these challenges. Overall, this study contributes to the existing literature on digital servitization, data-driven services, and digital platforms by shedding light on the significance of digital micro-services in the construction industry. Through the exploration of their types and challenges, it provides valuable insights for practitioners and researchers.


author = {Ignat Kulkov and Koteshwar Chirumalla and Anas Fattouh},
title = {Digital micro-services on an AI-based construction site simulation platform: Exploring service types and key challenges},
month = {November},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {10th International Conference on Business Servitization},
url = {}