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Social media engagement strategy: Investigation of marketing and R&D interfaces in manufacturing industry

Publication Type:

Journal article


Industrial Marketing Management




Research shows that effective marketing and R&D interface is pivotal in a company's new product development performance and future competitiveness. The increased popularity of social media promised to enhance inter- action, collaboration, and networking between the two functions. However, there is limited knowledge re- garding the key activities, infrastructure requirements, and potential benefits of social media in the marketing and R&D interface. This study aims to advance the current understanding of social media engagement strategies, which facilitates improved marketing and R&D interfaces and ultimately NPD performance for manufacturing companies. Based on a multiple-case study in two manufacturing companies, this study first presents the role of social media in facilitating improved marketing and R&D interface within a B2B context. Second, it presents the adoption process of the social media engagement strategy for an evolving marketing and R&D interface. The adoption process is divided into three phases, namely coordination, cooperation, and coproduction, to provide detailed insights regarding full-scale social media engagement. Taken together, the study provides novel insights into industrial marketing management literature by exemplifying the role of social media and proposing a systematic social engagement strategy for improved marketing and R&D interface in the manufacturing industry.


author = {Koteshwar Chirumalla},
title = {Social media engagement strategy: Investigation of marketing and R{\&}D interfaces in manufacturing industry},
pages = {1--12},
journal = {Industrial Marketing Management},
url = {}