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Material efficiency management in manufacturing
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
An improved material efficiency contributes to reducing the total environmental
impact of global manufacturing by helping achieve reductions in the volume of
generated industrial waste, the extraction and consumption of resources, energy
demand and carbon emissions. However, the subject of material efficiency in
manufacturing has been under-researched, and related knowledge is limited.
The research objective of this thesis is to contribute to the existing body of knowledge
regarding material efficiency in manufacturing to increase understanding, describe
the existing situation and develop support for improvement. This thesis focuses on
the value of process and residual materials in material efficiency, with a particular
concentration on enhancing the homogeneity of generated waste by increasing
segregation rates, decreasing the generation of waste material and reducing total
virgin raw material consumption without influencing the function or quality of a
product or process.
To achieve this objective, this research investigates material efficiency strategies, the
existing state of material efficiency in manufacturing and barriers to further
improvements in material efficiency. The results are supported by four structured
literature reviews and by multiple empirical case studies that were conducted at large
Swedish global manufacturing companies, most of which operate in the automotive
industry. These empirical studies entailed observations, interviews, waste stream
mapping, waste sorting analyses, environmental report reviews and company
walkthroughs to investigate material efficiency and industrial waste management
The empirical results reveal that the material efficiency improvement potential of
further waste segregation to gain economic and environmental benefits remains high.
The determination of various waste segments and their relative fractions, along with
the calculation of material efficiency performance measures, will facilitate
improvements in material efficiency. In addition to attempts at reducing waste
generation, avoiding blending and correctly segregating various waste fractions is an
essential step towards material efficiency. Improving the value of waste fractions,
i.e., creating more specific cost-effective fractions, is also vital.
Multiple barriers that hinder material efficiency were identified. The most influential
barriers to improved material efficiency concern the areas of Budgetary, Information,
Management and Employees. The majority of identified material efficiency barriers
are internal, originate within the company itself and are dependent upon the
manufacturing company’s characteristics.
author = {Sasha Shahbazi},
title = {Material efficiency management in manufacturing},
month = {September},
year = {2015},
url = {}