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Critical Factors in Designing of Lean and Green Equipment
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
The Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 2014
Cambridge University
Designing production equipment considering lean and related sustainability requirements may be a major factor in achieving productiveness through lean implementation. The objective of the study is to investigate the impact of lean production requirements on equipment design and how the lean requirements affects early design phases and global footprint. Data collection method includes literature review and in depth interviews with equipment users. The results provide support to importance of considering green and lean requirements in designing of production equipment by introducing important lean design factors for production equipment. These factors are designing simple equipment, error-proofing, being portable and flexible, supporting one piece flow, supporting short setup time, easy and reliable maintenance, supporting the operator interface with machine, safety of the operator, supporting production processes and layouts, energy efficiency, easy to operate, minimum cost, visualization, straight flows, teamwork, standardization, quality assurance, using pervious experiences, easy to clean, and easy to control.
author = {Zahra Mohammadi and Sasha Shahbazi and Martin Kurdve},
title = {Critical Factors in Designing of Lean and Green Equipment},
month = {September},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {The Annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 2014},
publisher = {Cambridge University},
url = {}