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Material efficiency in manufacturing
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Swedish Production Symposium 2014
Developments, industrialization and mass production have triggered rapid increase of raw material consumption and great volumes of industrial waste, while industrial waste management infrastructure has not been developed with the same pace. One mean in striving for industrial waste management is the management of process materials. This paper introduces the performance measure sorting rate for each segment of waste material, along with a method for sorting analysis to help improving overall material efficiency and industrial waste management. The results revealed that more than 50% of combustible bins’ content could be separately segregated as plastic, wood, paper, cardboard and bio-degradable.
author = {Sasha Shahbazi and Martin Kurdve},
title = {Material efficiency in manufacturing},
month = {September},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {Swedish Production Symposium 2014},
url = {}