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Drivers for implementing environmental requirements - an international explorative study within manufacturing
Publication Type:
Journal article
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing companies need to adapt their production processes in order to meet future environmental requirements. The implementation of new technology can be time-consuming and requires skills in change management but also an awareness of possible impacts and effects on the life cycle of the products. This paper combines theories from change management with empirical data from four cases of adaption of new requirements on surface treatment processes in manufacturing. Key factors for change triggered by environmental requirements are identified and verified with factors identified in change management literature. Results show that, in order not to influence functionality and performance negatively, testing and verification as well as changing few variables are important for environmental change management. Furthermore, knowledge and skills in the specific area as well as experimental capabilities are required but also collaboration internally and with external stakeholders are of importance. A model of change is proposed including three phases; readiness for change, technology verification and implementation in production. In addition, four time-related aspects are considered important to plan for; sense of urgency, time for development, strategic path and reviews for long-term projects.
author = {Anna Sann{\"o} and Mats Deleryd and Anders Fundin},
title = {Drivers for implementing environmental requirements - an international explorative study within manufacturing},
isbn = { },
volume = {8},
number = {1},
pages = {1--11},
month = {July},
year = {2015},
journal = {Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management},
url = {}