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Use of environmental value stream mapping and environmental loss analysis in lean manufacturing work at Volvo



Additional Authors: Per Hanarp (1), Xiaoxia Chen(1,2) Xiaojin Qiu(1,2), Yan Zhang(1,2), Johan Stahre(2), Jonas Laring(2) (1): Volvo Technology AB, Environment of Chemistry, Göteborg, Sweden (2) Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Product and Production Development, Division of Production system, Göteborg, Sweden

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium, May 3-5th 2011


ABSTRACT Green production systems requires efficient production and low use of resources such as energy, material etc. To achieve this, there is a need for further development of continuous improvement tools in the “lean and green” area. This work deals with environmental value stream mapping (Environmental-VSM), which has been applied in two case studies at Volvo Penta Vara and Volvo Construction Equipment Braås. In the performed studies Environmental-VSM, as described by the US-Environmental Protection Agency, has been extended by the introduction of a loss model to show environmental losses. The combination of methods provides the user with hands-on tools supporting strategic as well as operational management. Examples of practical improvement actions that were found include reduction of energy use trough minimising idling losses and floor space as well as reduced waste flow through lowered packaging material usage. Keywords: Green Lean, Green production systems, Competitiveness, Manufacturing industry, Production management


author = {Martin Kurdve},
title = {Use of environmental value stream mapping and environmental loss analysis in lean manufacturing work at Volvo},
note = {Additional Authors: Per Hanarp (1), Xiaoxia Chen(1,2) Xiaojin Qiu(1,2), Yan Zhang(1,2), Johan Stahre(2), Jonas Laring(2) (1): Volvo Technology AB, Environment of Chemistry, G{\"o}teborg, Sweden (2) Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Product and Production Development, Division of Production system, G{\"o}teborg, Sweden },
month = {December},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium, May 3-5th 2011},
url = {}