The Use of Storyboard to Capture Experience (Aug 2011) Anders Wikström, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Åsa Öberg, Yvonne Eriksson Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Vol. 10
A Narrative Approach Towards Understanding Innovation (Jun 2011) Anders Wikström, Karin Berglund Proceedings of 18th International Product Development Management Conference
Visualization a Catalyst for Creativity in New Product Developmen (NPD) (Dec 2010) Anders Wikström nternational Conference on Design Creativity
A Reference Model For Using Visualization Within Product Realization Projects (Aug 2009) Anders Wikström ICED09 - International conference on engineering design,
idPeo a Multidisciplinary Approach to Innovative Product Realization (Dec 2008) Anders Wikström UPA European conference 2008